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AG/RES. 1439 (XXVI-O/96)


(Resolution adopted at the eighth plenary session, held on June 7, 1996)


HAVING SEEN the Report of the Permanent Council on the Status of Children in the Americas (CP/doc.3357/96); and


That various bodies and agencies of the Organization have presented recommendations on the study "Status of Children in the Americas";

That the status of children has been documented in more recent studies by other international organizations and that this information can have great import for the work carried out by the Inter-American Children's Institute and the Organization; and

That the Directing Council of the Inter-American Children's Institute is actively pursuing the restructuring, modernization, and strengthening of the Institute,


1. To recommend to the Inter-American Children's Institute that it take into account the recommendations of the organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization regarding the study "Status of Children in the Americas."

2. To urge the Inter-American Children's Institute and its Directing Council to continue its efforts to modernize, restructure, and strengthen the Institute with the aim of developing activities geared towards the protection of children in the Hemisphere and, at the same time, to request that it keep the Organization informed, through the Permanent Council.

3. To recognize the initiatives and efforts of the Secretary General to promote maximum cooperation between the Inter-American Children's Institute and the General Secretariat of the Organization.

4. To thank the Working Group charged with studying the document "Status of Children in the Americas" and to declare that its mandate has been fulfilled.

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