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AG/RES. 1438 (XXVI-O/96)


(Resolution adopted at the eighth plenary session, held on June 7, 1996)


HAVING SEEN the resolution of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), "Relationship between the Special Committee on Trade (CEC) and the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI)" (CIDI/doc.4/96); and


That, by resolution AG/RES. 1220 (XXIII-O/93), the General Assembly converted the Special Committee for Consultation and Negotiation (CECON), a special committee established under Article 7 of the Statutes of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council (CIES), into the Special Committee on Trade (CEC) and assigned to CEC a new organizational structure and functions for the purpose of moving toward "a renewed commitment for dialogue and cooperation on trade and related matters . . . with a view to promoting the expansion and liberalization of hemispheric trade";

That, in the same resolution, the General Assembly adopted the Rules of Procedure for the Special Committee on Trade, which define CEC as "a senior intergovernment level Committee of CIES";

That both resolution AG/RES. 1220 (XXIII-O/93) and CEC's Rules of Procedure make specific reference to CIES and define the institutional relationship between CIES and CEC;

That, when it entered into force on January 29, 1996, the Protocol of Managua established the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), which replaces CIES and its bodies;

That CEC should continue to perform the functions entrusted to it under resolution AG/RES. 1220 (XXIII-O/93) and that CEC's relationship with CIDI must be defined in accordance with the partnership for development established by the Protocol of Managua; and

That the CIDI Statutes provide for the establishment of special committees within the framework of CIDI,


1. To incorporate the Special Committee on Trade (CEC) as a Special Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), which will continue functioning in accordance with resolution AG/RES. 1220 (XXIII-O/93) and the Rules of Procedure annexed to that resolution, except as provided for in operative paragraphs 2 and 3 below.

2. To assign to CIDI and its officials the same functions previously assigned to the Inter-American Economic and Social Council (CIES) and its officials with respect to CEC under resolution AG/RES. 1220 (XXIII-O/93) and CEC's Rules of Procedure; and to require CEC and its officials to perform within CIDI the same reporting, coordination, and other functions they had to perform for CIES under that resolution and CEC's Rules of Procedure.

3. To stipulate that, in their meetings, CEC and its subsidiary bodies shall apply the general rules of order that will be established in CIDI's Rules of Procedure or those that CIDI will adopt for CEC, in accordance with Article 32 of the CIDI Statutes; however, until one or the other occurs, CEC will continue to apply the general rules of order contained in the CIES Rules of Procedure. Those cases not provided for in any of the applicable rules will be resolved by CEC itself or by its subsidiary bodies.

4. To request CEC to revise and republish its Rules of Procedure to reflect its relationship with CIDI as defined in this resolution.

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