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AG/RES. 1437 (XXVI-O/96)


(Resolution adopted at the eighth plenary session, held on June 7, 1996)


HAVING SEEN resolution CIDI/RES. 2/96, "Holding of the First Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI)"; and


That it is advisable to approve certain provisional measures for the functioning of CIDI; and

That special circumstances exist in so far as (i) the next year is a transition period during which there is an immediate need to establish bodies within CIDI to be responsible for sustainable development and social development; (ii) the immediate convocation of a regular meeting of CIDI to establish those bodies is not feasible; (iii) much of the preparatory work in relation to the establishment of those bodies has already been completed or is to be completed during the transition period; and (iv) there is a need to ensure that all CIDI activities are fully reported to the General Assembly at its next regular session,


1. To reaffirm that the Integrated Program Guidelines for the Transition Period approved by the Joint CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group in Charge of the Transition to CIDI will be in force until CIDI formulates new guidelines based on the strategic plan for integral development.

2. To confirm that the Temporary Special Fund for CIDI (FET) will continue to function until CIDI establishes the Special Multilateral Fund (FEMCIDI), as provided for in operative paragraph 2.g of resolution GTC/RES.1/96 and reaffirmed by resolution AG/RES. 1 (XXII-E/96).

3. To request CIDI, through CEPCIDI, to present to the General Assembly at its next regular session a final report on all activities of CIDI and its subsidiary bodies from this date through May 31, 1997.

4. To urge CIDI and its bodies to adopt regulations for the effective coordination of their activities and the flow of information among themselves with the other bodies of the Organization.

5. To point out that the preceding measures are exceptional in nature and do not constitute a precedent or diminish the prerogatives of CIDI.

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