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AG/RES. 1427 (XXVI-O/96)


(Resolution adopted at the eighth plenary session, held on June 7, 1996)


RECALLING the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in 1992, and in particular Agenda 21;

FURTHER RECALLING the United Nations Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, held in Barbados in 1994;

HAVING SEEN resolutions AG/RES. 1114 (XXI-O/91), AG/RES. 1183 (XXII-O/92), AG/RES. 1241 (XXIII-O/93), AG/RES. 1286 (XXIV-O/94), and AG/RES. 1357 (XXV-O/95), concerning the Inter-American Program of Action for Environmental Protection, and resolution AG/RES. 1358 (XXV-O/95), "Evaluation and Updating of the Inter-American Program of Action for Environmental Protection";

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the report of the Committee on Environment (AG/doc.3359/96) and, in particular, the conclusions of the special meeting of that Committee, held on April 11 and 12, 1996, which are annexed to the report;

REAFFIRMING that the Organization of American States as a hemispheric forum has the potential to facilitate analysis and dialogue on sustainable development; and

CONVINCED that one of the most effective ways of promoting sustainable development is to heighten environmental awareness through education in all its forms,


1. To urge the member states to strengthen the environmental component in educational programs of all kinds.

2. To encourage member states to exchange information and technical assistance on environmental education with a view to achieving sustainable development.

3. To promote the exchange and use of traditional know-how and technologies in environmental matters across the Hemisphere.

4. To urge the member states to encourage all sectors of society to participate in the promotion of sustainable development.

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