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AG/RES. 1386 (XXVI-O/96)


(Resolution adopted at the eighth plenary session, held on June 7, 1996)


HAVING SEEN the Report of the Permanent Council on the Office of the Inspector General (AG/doc.3337/96); and


That resolution AG/RES. 1321 (XXV-O/95) requested the Secretary General to instruct the Inspector General to:

a. Submit to the Permanent Council, in the last quarter of the year, a schedule of activities for inspecting, auditing, and reviewing the programs and activities of the Organization, in accordance with the provisions of the General Standards, for a period of two years, and update that plan annually. The Permanent Council may request the inclusion of specific inspections or audits after it reviews the plan;

b. Submit an annual report to the Permanent Council on the work done, with particular emphasis on the proposals made by the Board of External Auditors and on the adequacy of the resources allocated to auditing and inspection functions;

c. Develop and establish standard routine auditing and review procedures, with the advice and assistance of the Board of External Auditors, and submit them to the Permanent Council for review;

d. Take into account the recommendations of the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs in document CP/doc.2592/95, especially those relating to its independence and effectiveness; and

That the General Assembly also requested the Permanent Council to present it with a report on strengthening the Office of the Inspector General, particularly on the impact of those measures, at its twenty-sixth regular session,


1. To take note of the Report of the Permanent Council on the Office of the Inspector General and in particular the recommendations regarding the need to maintain and increase the ability of the Office to carry out its duties and activities, in accordance with the steps taken but also in compliance with the recommendations contained in resolution AG/RES. 1321 (XXV-O/95).

2. To recognize the steps taken by the Secretary General to strengthen the Office of the Inspector General, which should include the creation of a permanent position of Deputy Inspector General.

3. To continue the process of strengthening the Office of the Inspector General by providing it with highly qualified staff and seeking to provide them ongoing training, especially in the areas of inspection, auditing, and financial review.

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