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AG/RES. 1378 (XXVI-O/96)


(Resolution adopted at the seventh plenary session, held on June 6, 1996)


RECALLING the mandate for cooperation in and support for the consolidation of democracy and the peace process conferred on the General Secretariat through MRE/RES. 2/93 of the Ad Hoc Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs on Guatemala;


Advances made in the enhancement of democracy in Guatemala, such as the renewal of state organs and the recent electoral process observed by the Organization of American States, in which the citizens freely elected a president, deputies, and municipal mayors; and

The support for the peace process rendered by the international community, in particular the assistance given by the United Nations Secretariat and the Group of Friends of the Secretary-General; and


That the signing of specific agreements-in particular, the Agreement on Socioeconomic Factors and the Agrarian Situation-and the temporary cessation of hostilities attest to a renewed impetus and the achievement of substantial progress in the peace negotiations between the Government of Guatemala and the leaders of the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unit; and

That the efforts to bring about peace and reconciliation should be intensified in the near future to comply with the provisions of the peace agreements that have already been signed and have yet to be signed,


1. To reiterate its support for the Government and people of Guatemala in their efforts to consolidate democracy and achieve peace, and to congratulate the Government of President Alvaro Arzú on his political zeal in the quest for peace, the struggle against impunity, and the consolidation of democracy during his administration.

2. To urge the parties to the conflict to sign an agreement for firm and lasting peace in Guatemala in the near future.

3. To request the Secretary General to provide all possible support for the efforts at democratic consolidation, peace, reconstruction, and reconciliation in that country, to which end a Special Program of Support for Guatemala shall be established and carried out with resources from the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy and from external sources.

4. To stipulate that the Special Program shall incorporate and expand those currently being conducted by the General Secretariat in Guatemala for the strengthening of democratic institutions, conflict resolution, education for democracy, peace, and development, and that it include-pursuant to the express request of the Government of Guatemala-activities in other fields in which the Organization of American States displays recognized experience, such as mine-clearing and the reincorporation into society of persons involved in armed conflict.

5. To request the Secretary General to coordinate efforts with the Secretariat of the United Nations and other international organizations to support initiatives aimed at the reconstruction of Guatemala in the wake of the internal armed confrontation, establishing such consultation and coordination measures as he may deem necessary for that purpose.

6. Also to request the Secretary General to report to the Permanent Council, at least twice prior to the twenty-seventh regular session of the General Assembly, on the progress of the Special Program of Support for Guatemala.

7. To thank the Secretary General of the Organization and the member and permanent observer states for their interest in and support for the process of peace and democratization in Guatemala.

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