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AG/RES. 1587 (XXVIII-O/98)


(Resolution adopted at the third plenary session, held on June 2, 1998)


HAVING SEEN the observations and recommendations of the Permanent Council on the annual reports presented in conformity with Article 91.f of the OAS Charter (AG/doc.3698/98) and, in particular, on the annual report of the Inter-American Children's Institute (IIN) (CP/doc.3015/98);

RECALLING its resolution AG/RES. 1522 (XXVII-O/97), in which the IIN was instructed to compile an inventory of all activities of the organs and agencies of the inter-American system relating to the situation of children and, on the basis of this inventory, to submit to the General Assembly, for consideration at its twenty-eighth regular session, a plan of concerted action for the children of the Americas;

REAFFIRMING that it is necessary to develop and implement this plan of concerted action for the children of the Americas;

RECOGNIZING that the IIN fulfilled that mandate from the General Assembly and that the necessary consultations for completing compilation of the relevant information for the inventory are still being conducted;

BEARING IN MIND that the Eighteenth Pan American Child Congress, the supreme inter-American forum on children and the family, will be held in October 1998, that the current situation of children in the Americas will be examined at that Congress, and that lines of action on this subject will be established for the next four years; and

CONSIDERING that it is highly advisable that the IIN incorporate the resolutions of the Pan American Child Congress in the plan of concerted action requested by the General Assembly,


1. To reiterate its request to the Inter-American Children's Institute (IIN) that it continue to compile an inventory of all activities of the organs and agencies of the inter-American system relating to the situation of children.

2. To urge the organs and agencies of the inter-American system to work with the IIN in preparing that inventory, promptly providing the information it requests.

3. To instruct the IIN once again to submit to the General Assembly for consideration at its next regular session, on the basis of the inventory mentioned in the previous paragraph, a plan of concerted action for children in the Americas to improve living conditions for all children in the region, on the social as well as on the economic, educational, scientific, and technological levels, and to promote strict observance of all their rights.

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