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AG/RES. 1580 (XXVIII-O/98)


(Resolution adopted at the third plenary session, held on June 2, 1998)


HAVING SEEN resolution AG/RES. 1 (XX-E/94), "General Policy Framework and Priorities: Partnership for Development"; resolution AG/RES. 1426 (XXVI-O/96), "Support for OAS Tourism Activities"; resolution CIDI/RES. 17 (II-O/97), "Sustainable Development of Tourism"; and resolution AG/RES. 1517 (XXVII-O/97), "Sustainable Tourism Development"; and


The important role tourism plays in the economic development strategy of the member states and the need to ensure the sustainable development of tourism in the Hemisphere;

That the General Assembly emphasizes the importance of sustainable tourism development in the member states and has instructed the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI) to: establish a working group to prepare an Inter-American Program for Sustainable Tourism Development, bearing in mind, inter alia, the need to strengthen horizontal cooperation and to promote more effective cooperation between the public and private sectors; and to promote cooperation activities in accordance with the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001; and

That the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001, adopted by the General Assembly through resolution AG/RES. 1511 (XXVII-O-97), establishes sustainable tourism development as one of the eight priorities of CIDI,


1. To adopt the Inter-American Program for Sustainable Tourism Development approved by the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) at its third regular meeting, through resolution CIDI/RES. 47 (III-O/98), as an integral part of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001.

2. To instruct CIDI to promote the execution of the Inter-American Program for Sustainable Tourism Development, with the assistance of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development and in coordination with the Inter-Sectoral Unit for Tourism

3. To direct the Inter-Sectoral Unit for Tourism to continue to explore new mechanisms to attract external funds and develop strategic partnerships to complement the programs and activities in accordance with the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001 and the Inter-American Program for Sustainable Tourism Development.

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