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AG/RES. 1577 (XXVIII-O/98)


(Resolution adopted at the third plenary session, held on June 2, 1998)



Resolution AG/RES. 1508 (XXVII-O/97), "Follow-up to the Activities of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council and the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture," through which the General Assembly extends the deadline for fulfilling the mandates set forth in resolution CIDI/RES. 21 and instructs the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) to present a report at its twenty-eighth regular session;

Resolution CIDI/RES. 31 (III-O/98), "CIDI Action in Compliance with General Assembly Resolutions on the Activities of CIES and CIECC," through which CIDI transmits to the General Assembly a report on this issue and identifies the actions which will be carried out by the organs of CIDI to complete the fulfillment of the General Assembly mandates on follow-up to the activities of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council (CIES) and the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture (CIECC); and

The description of activities carried out and to be carried out, which are identified in the "Report on Follow-up to the Activities of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council and of the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture" contained in document CEPCIDI/doc.150/98 Rev.; and

CONSIDERING that the activities which CIDI has resolved to carry out to complete the fulfillment of the General Assembly resolutions regarding follow-up to the activities of CIES and CIECC are embodied in the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001,


1. To take note of the "Report on Follow-up to the Activities of Inter-American Economic and Social Council and of the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture" contained in the document CEPCIDI/doc.150/98 rev.

2. To express its satisfaction with the progress achieved by CIDI in follow-up to the activities of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council (CIES) and the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture (CIECC) as part of the process of strengthening technical cooperation at the OAS, in particular: the establishment of a new cooperation structure; strengthening the OAS's role as a forum for hemispheric dialogue; inter-American cooperation programs to combat poverty and discrimination and promote sustainable development, sustainable development of tourism, and culture; the funding of projects according to priorities established by the member states; coordination with other cooperation agencies; and information on OAS cooperation activities.

3. To urge the sectoral political and technical authorities of the member states, as well as the specialized national institutions, to participate in the efforts, which CIDI carries out for the following purposes:

a. To promote mechanisms for partnership for integral development, in particular the specialized and sectoral meetings of CIDI;

b. To develop a strategy for raising additional funds for partnership for development;

c. To establish an information network which brings together the resources of institutions that provide cooperation in the Hemisphere and which helps to match offers of and requests for cooperation;

d. To develop a support mechanism for education and training of human resources;

e. To encourage the holding of programming meetings to identify projects of common strategic interest to the member states;

f. To focus on partnership for development, in order to concentrate funds on activities with a greater qualitative impact in areas of greatest importance in terms of the priorities established in the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001; and

g. To promote contact among the national institutions of the Hemisphere in order to expand partnership for development and, in particular, horizontal cooperation on issues of common interest to groups of countries.

4. To urge the member states to use the mechanisms available in CIDI to promote greater participation by sectoral, political, and technical authorities, as well as their specialized institutions, in the above-mentioned activities.

5. To instruct CIDI, through the Permanent Executive Committee of CIDI (CEPCIDI) and with the support of the General Secretariat through the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development, to implement the activities to which this resolution refers.

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