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AG/RES. 1557 (XXVIII-O/98)


(Resolution adopted at the third plenary session, held on June 2, 1998)



The report of the Permanent Council on the Inter-American Program for the Development of International Law (AG/doc.3718/98);

The Charter of the Organization of American States, which reaffirms in Article 3 that "international law is the standard of conduct of States in their reciprocal relations"; and

The Declaration of Panama on the Inter-American Contribution to the Development and Codification of International Law [AG/DEC. 12 (XXVI-O/96)], in which the General Assembly declared "[I]ts renewed and most staunch commitment to continue promoting the progressive development and codification of inter-American international law in the framework of the Organization of American States as a suitable way to strengthen relations of peace and solidarity among the states of the Americas, with full respect for their sovereignty and the principle of nonintervention," as well as "its interest in promoting the broadest possible awareness of the inter-American legal system" and "its decision that the Permanent Council, through its Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs, promote procedures for more effective cooperation and coordination among the various bodies of the Organization on legal matters"; and


That the General Assembly, in resolution AG/RES. 1471 (XXVII-O/97), adopted the Inter-American Program for the Development of International Law, which envisioned the various activities that have been under way in the General Secretariat;

That the multilateral treaties adopted within the framework of the Organization of American States constitute a valuable legal heritage that must be preserved and given wide dissemination;

That increased awareness of current issues at the level of the Organization's political bodies facilitates the study, discussion, negotiation, and development of new legal instruments within the inter-American system;

That it is essential to disseminate legal studies of the inter-American system; and

That cooperation to promote the development, dissemination, and teaching of international law in the inter-American context is an indispensable undertaking, RESOLVES:

1. To reaffirm the importance of the Inter-American Program for the Development of International Law as an indispensable means of increasing awareness and understanding of the international law established within the inter-American system and of applying and strengthening that body of law.

2. To instruct the General Secretariat that, through the Secretariat for Legal Affairs and in consultation with the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs of the Permanent Council, it should continue to implement this program, assigning priority to the provisions of the chapter on the teaching of inter-American international law, especially the organization of courses at the subregional or national level and the conduct of international law symposia involving eminent jurists and other experts, so as to enhance the study of current legal issues.

3. To request the Permanent Council to report to the General Assembly at its twenty-ninth regular session on the implementation of this resolution.

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