Secretary for Legal Affairs
Office of Legal Cooperation

Consultative Committee of CIFTA

The Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials, in its Articles XX and XXI, establishes the creation of a Consultative Committee and sets forth its functions, structure and meetings.

In accordance with Article XX of the Convention, the Consultative Committee has the following functions:

a) To promote the exchange of information contemplated under this Convention.

b) To facilitate the exchange of information on domestic legislation and administrative procedures of the States Parties.

c) To encourage cooperation between national liaison authorities to detect suspected illicit exports and imports of firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials.

d) To promote training and exchange of knowledge and experience among States Parties and technical assistance between States Parties and relevant international organizations, as well as academic studies.

e) To request from nonparty states, when appropriate, information on the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials.

f) To promote measures to facilitate the application of this Convention.

The Consultative Committee, comprised of a representative from each State Party, began its operations in March of 2000, once the tenth instrument of ratification was deposited and, since then, it has been holding one annual ordinary meeting and extraordinary meetings when they have been necessary.

The Consultative Committee has one Secretariat Pro tempore, which is undertaken by one State Party. Mexico and Brazil, in that order, have been elected and undertaken the Secretariat Pro tempore.

The OAS General Secretariat, pursuant to the resolutions of the OAS General Assembly and the Internal Rules of the Consultative Committee, undertakes the functions of administrative and technical secretariat to said Committee.

The decisions of the Consultative Committee are of a recommendatory nature and confidentiality of any information received must be maintained by the Committee in compliance with its functions, if it were requested.

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