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AG/RES. 1738 (XXX-O/00)
5 June 2000
Original: Spanish



(Resolution adopted at the first plenary session, held on June 5, 2000)


HAVING SEEN the Report of the Permanent Council on the Modernization of the OAS and the Renewal of the Inter-American System (CP/doc.3331/00);

RECALLING that the Heads of State and Government of the member states, in the Declaration of Santiago adopted at the Second Summit of the Americas, issued a mandate to study ways to strengthen and modernize the institutions of the Hemisphere, particularly the Organization of American States;

CONSIDERING that, as a result of the dialogue on the renewal of the inter-American system that took place during the twenty-eighth regular session of the General Assembly, held in Caracas, Venezuela, the heads of delegation adopted resolution AG/RES. 1603 (XXVIII-O/98), in which they established the Special Joint Working Group of the Permanent Council and the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) and instructed it to:

  1. "[Identify] the aspects with regard to which it is necessary to foster and intensify the process of strengthening and modernizing the OAS by defining strategies, procedures, and concrete actions with a view to promoting a comprehensive renewal of the inter-American system";
  2. Study "the organization and working methods of the councils and their subsidiary bodies, as well as the General Secretariat, with a view to streamlining their work so they may carry out more efficiently and effectively the mandates entrusted to them"; and
  3. Adopt "such organizational and structural measures as they consider suitable in pursuit of the aims set forth" in the preceding paragraph.

BEARING IN MIND that at its twenty-ninth regular session the General Assembly adopted resolution AG/RES. 1685 (XXIX-O/99), "Modernization of the OAS and Renewal of the Inter-American System," in the second operative paragraph of which it resolved "to renew the mandates contained in resolution AG/RES. 1603 (XXVIII-O/98) and to instruct the Permanent Council to report on the implementation of this resolution to the General Assembly at its thirtieth regular session, especially regarding the completion of consideration of already initiated items; rationalization of the work of the General Secretariat in order to fulfill the mandates entrusted to it more efficiently and effectively; and the definition of strategies, procedures, and concrete actions -- including funding and coordination with other inter-American organizations–with a view to promoting integral renewal of the inter-American system";

RECALLING that the Permanent Council, at its meeting of July 23, 1999, assigned to the Special Joint Working Group the topics "Personnel Policy Reform" [AG/RES. 1647 (XXIX-O/99)] and "The Financial and Budgetary Situation of the Organization" [AG/RES. 1692 (XXIX-O/99)];

BEARING IN MIND ALSO that the Group has considered the document "Coordination between the Organization of American States and Other Inter-American Agencies" (GETC-FORMOEA-153/00), prepared by the General Secretariat in keeping with resolution AG/RES. 1685 (XXIX-O/99), on the basis of which the need to continue to strengthen existing mechanisms for coordination between the Organization and other inter-American agencies was expressed;

CONSIDERING that the Group has studied the document "Draft Public Affairs Strategy for the Organization of American States" [GETC/FORMOEA-122/99], the recommendations of which were forwarded to the General Secretariat;

EMPHASIZING that the Group has considered the question of possible changes to the career service and related aspects of personnel policy and recommended to the Permanent Council that the General Assembly adopt the RESOLUTION which instructs the Permanent Council to complete that study and take the necessary decisions;

BEARING IN MIND that the Working Group, having before it the document GETC/FORMOEA-154/00, has been examining the financial situation of the Organization; and, considering, the points of view expressed by the member states in the Working Group, as well as in the discussions on the Organization's priorities that took place at the special session of the Permanent Council on May 22nd, which are contained in the Secretary General’s document, and which have been presented for consideration by the heads of delegation at the thirtieth regular session of the General Assembly;

RECOGNIZING that the Joint Working Group of the Permanent Council and the Inter-American Council for Integral Development has examined the matters assigned to it, and that its findings have contributed to important decisions made within the Organization on the following topics:

a. Adoption of practices designed to improve the organization and working methods of the Permanent Council;

b. Establishment of the Committee to Coordinate Cooperation Programs of the Inter-American System, in keeping with resolution AG/RES. 1666 (XXIX-O/99);

c. Creation of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development as a subsidiary organ of CIDI, through resolution AG/RES. 3 (XXVI-E/99), adopted at the twenty-sixth special session of the General Assembly, in November 1999;

d. The adoption of guidelines for civil society participation in OAS activities, through resolution CP/RES. 759 (1217/99), in keeping with resolution AG/RES. 1661 (XXIX-O/99), and the mandates to the General Secretariat to collaborate in strengthening cooperation between governments and civil society, in accordance with resolution AG/RES. 1668 (XXIX-O/99);

e. Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly, adopted by the Permanent Council ad referendum of the General Assembly, through resolution CP/RES. 760 (1217/99);

f. Adoption by the Permanent Council of resolution CP/RES. 761 (1217/99), "Personnel Policy Reform," in which it approved, ad referendum of the General Assembly, amendments to the General Standards to Govern the Operations of the General Secretariat and to the Staff Rules;

BEARING IN MIND that the mandate contained in resolution AG/RES. 1603 (XXVIII-O/98) instructed the Permanent Council to study the organization and working methods of the General Secretariat with a view to streamlining its work so that it may carry out more efficiently and effectively the mandates entrusted to it; and that, among other matters, the Working Group has considered the General Secretariat's "Proposal to Create a Secretariat for Political Affairs," contained in document GETC/FORMOEA-151/00 add. 1;

BEARING IN MIND ALSO that, in view of the proposal mentioned above, several delegations requested further discussions on the overall structure of the General Secretariat, pointing to the need to standardize the naming of its various sections and to place them in a logical manner within the organizational structure of the OAS, as well as further details on the budgetary implications of the proposal; and

CONSCIOUS of the need to continue the process of modernizing the OAS and of renewing the inter-American system, especially regarding the funding and rationalization of the General Secretariat,


1. To take note of the report of the Special Joint Working Group of the Permanent Council and the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) and to express appreciation for its presentation.

2. To thank the efforts made by the Special Joint Working Group of the Permanent Council and the Inter-American Council for Integral Development and to point to the contribution of that work to the process of strengthening and modernizing the OAS.

3. To instruct the Permanent Council to place priority on continuing the studies on the organization, working methods, and operations of the General Secretariat, and to consider in that context inter-alia, the document of the General Secretary "Proposal to Create a Secretariat for Political Affairs," (GETC/FORMOEA-151/00 corr. 1 and GETC/FORMOEA-151/00 add. 1), authorizing it to take the pertinent decisions in accordance with the budgetary provisions and the General Standards to govern the operations of the General Secretariat.

4. To instruct the Permanent Council to continue its consideration of measures to strengthen and modernize the OAS, especially in matters relating to the funding of the Organization; and to present a report on the execution of this resolution to the General Assembly at its thirty-first regular session.

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