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AG/RES. 1733 (XXX-O/00)
5 June 2000
Original: Spanish 



(Resolution adopted at the first plenary session, held on June 5, 2000)


HAVING SEEN the Annual Report of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IACI) to the General Assembly (CP/doc.3278/00) as regards the work of the 74th Meeting of the Directing Council of the IACI and the Eighteenth Pan American Child Congress, held in Buenos Aires, in the Argentine Republic, in September 1999;

CONSIDERING resolution AG/RES. 1667 (XXIX-O/99), "Inclusion of Children’s Issues on the Hemispheric Agenda," which states that it is absolutely essential that children’s issues be given priority consideration in inter-American political forums, especially in the General Assembly of the OAS and at the Third Summit of the Americas;

BEARING IN MIND that it is advisable that children’s issues included on the hemispheric agenda be accompanied by other initiatives that reinforce cooperation in the Hemisphere in areas related to children and adolescents; and

NOTING that in resolution CD/RES. 05 (74-R/99), adopted at its 74th regular meeting, the Directing Council of the IACI established the Inter-American Preparatory Committee for Children’s Issues for the 2001 Summit of the Americas, chaired by the Director General of the IACI,


1. To declare the year 2001 as the "Inter-American Year of the Child and the Adolescent."

2. To urge member states to promote activities to establish, strengthen, and implement public policies to ensure the well-being and integral development of children and adolescents.

3. To request the General Secretariat and the IACI to assist the member states in conducting conferences, seminars, and other activities relating to issues of children and adolescents throughout 2001, by providing advisory services, within the resources allocated in the Program-Budget and other resources.

4. To invite member states, permanent observers, international organizations, multilateral financial institutions, the Inter-American Preparatory Committee for Children’s Issues for the 2001 Summit of the Americas, and civil society organizations to cooperate in efforts and activities carried out in the context of the activities set forth in this resolution.

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