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AG/RES. 1730 (XXX-O/00)
5 June 2000
Original: Spanish



(Resolution adopted at the first plenary session, held on June 5, 2000)


HAVING SEEN the observations and recommendations of the Permanent Council on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) (CP/ACTA 1228/00), presented pursuant to Article 91.f of the Charter of the Organization of American States;

RECOGNIZING the importance of the Anti-Drug Strategy in the Hemisphere, approved by CICAD in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at its twentieth regular session, and signed in Montevideo, Uruguay, in December 1996, as a frame of reference to guide inter-American cooperation in addressing the problems of illicit drug production, trafficking, use, and distribution, and related offenses;

BEARING IN MIND that the activities and programs of the Commission are governed by the Inter-American Program of Action of Rio de Janeiro against the Illicit Use and Production of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and Traffic Therein; the Declaration and Program of Action of Ixtapa; the Inter-American Program of Quito: Comprehensive Education to Prevent Drug Abuse; and the Anti-Drug Strategy in the Hemisphere;

BEARING IN MIND ALSO the mandates issued in the plans of action adopted at the First and Second Summits of the Americas, in particular the development of a single, objective process of multilateral governmental evaluation to monitor the progress of individual and collective anti-drug efforts in the Hemisphere;

RECOGNIZING with satisfaction that CICAD, at its twenty-sixth regular session, fulfilled that mandate with the establishment of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM), based on the principles of respect for the sovereignty and territorial jurisdiction of states, reciprocity, shared responsibility, and a comprehensive and balanced approach to the subject;

CONVINCED that the MEM will strengthen mutual confidence, dialogue, and hemispheric cooperation for purposes of greater efficiency and effectiveness in dealing with the various aspects of the worldwide drug problem;

CONSIDERING that multilateral cooperation is the only way to ensure objective evaluation of efforts by the states to address the drug problem; and

RECOGNIZING ALSO the role played by CICAD in strengthening hemispheric cooperation in the fight against illicit drug production, trafficking, use, and distribution, and related offenses,


  1. To express its approval of the establishment of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM) through resolution 1/99 (XXVI-O/99), adopted by the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) at its twenty-sixth regular session, held in Montevideo, Uruguay on October 5-7, 1999.
  2. To express its full support for the first evaluation round of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism, whose Governmental Experts Group (GEG) held its first meeting on April 10-14, 2000.
  3. To urge member states to support the funding of the MEM through voluntary contributions and provide their firm political support to the process.
  4. To take note of the cooperation projects and programs, fellowships, training, information exchange, and research carried out in 1999 by the CICAD Executive Secretariat in accordance with its work plan, funded through voluntary contributions from member states, permanent observers to the OAS, the Inter-American Development Bank, international organizations, and public and private institutions.
  5. To urge the Executive Secretariat to redouble its efforts to increase the amount of contributions and diversify sources of funding.
  6. Also to urge the OAS member states and permanent observers, the Inter-American Development Bank, international organizations, and public and private institutions to continue to support the CICAD work program.
  7. To endorse the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the CICAD Group of Experts on Money Laundering Control (CICAD/doc.1024/99) on the advisability of an inter-American convention in this area, and to transmit those conclusions and recommendations to the Permanent Council.
  8. To welcome the establishment of the CICAD Inter-American Observatory on Drugs, whose objective, inter alia, will be to assist member states with the collection of statistics and to promote interdisciplinary research in this area.
  9. To urge the member states to take account, when drafting their respective national legislation, of the Commission’s Model Regulations Concerning Laundering Offenses Connected to Illicit Drug Trafficking and Related Offenses; its Model Regulations to Control Chemical Substances Used in the Illicit Production of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances; and its Model Regulations for the Control of the International Movement of Firearms, Their Parts and Components, and Ammunition.
  10. To urge the international community, and the financial institutions in particular, to contribute financial resources to implement comprehensive demand reduction and alternative development programs in member states requesting such resources from CICAD, because of their crucial importance for a comprehensive and balanced approach to drug abuse control.
  11. To recognize the contribution made by specialized trade preference systems, such as the Andean Trade Preference Act, the Caribbean Basin Initiative, the special provisions of the Generalized System of Preferences of the European Union (EU) for the Andean and Central American countries, and the EU- Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific (Lomé) Agreement, and to urge the member states and permanent observers to seek to maintain trade opportunities that support regional alternative development programs.
  12. To invite CICAD to continue its collaboration with the Consultative Committee of the Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials so as to promote its full application.
  13. To underscore the importance of collaboration and coordination between the CICAD Executive Secretariat and the United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP), the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) of the OECD, and other international organizations having competence in this area.
  14. To endorse the observations and recommendations made by the Permanent Council on the CICAD Annual Report (CP/ACTA 1228/00) and to transmit them to CICAD for its due consideration.
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