Inter-American Instruments

Inter-American Convention Against Corruption:
Text - Signatures & Ratifications

Inter-American Democratic Charter

General Assembly Resolutions:
AG/RES. 2219 (XXXVI-O/06)
AG/RES. 2222 (XXXVI-O/06)
..........(complete list)

Summits of the Americas:
IV Summit
Special Summit
III Summit
II Summit
I Summit

Conference of the States Parties to IACAC:
Declaration - Plan of Action

II Meeting of the Conference of States Parties to MESICIC:
Inter-American Program of Cooperation to Fight Corruption

Declaration on Security in the Americas


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III Summit of the Americas, Quebec City, Canada - April 2001

Plan of Action

Fight Against Corruption

Recognizing that corruption gravely affects democratic political institutions and the private sector, weakens economic growth and jeopardizes the basic needs and interests of a country’s most underprivileged groups, and that the prevention and control of these problems are the responsibility of government as well as legislative and judicial institutions:

  • Consider signing and ratifying, ratifying, or acceding to, as soon as possible and as the case may be, the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption, in accordance with their respective legal frameworks, and promote effective implementation of the Convention by means of, inter alia, the Inter-American Program for Cooperation in the Fight Against Corruption and associated technical cooperation programs and activities, including those of relevant multilateral organizations and MDBs, in the area of good governance and in the fight against corruption, as well as programs which each country designs and implements in accordance with national laws, by its own appropriate bodies that may require assistance;

  • Support the establishment as soon as possible, taking into consideration the recommendation of the OAS, of a follow-up mechanism for the implementation of the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption by States Parties to this instrument;

  • Support strengthening the Inter-American Network of Institutions and Experts in the Fight Against Corruption in the context of the OAS, as well as initiatives aimed at strengthening cooperation among ethics officials and members of civil society;

  • Strengthen, in cooperation with multilateral organizations and MDBs, where appropriate, the participation of civil society in the fight against corruption, by means of initiatives that promote the organization, training and linkage of citizens groups in the context of concrete projects which promote transparency and accountability in governance;

  • Continue to promote policies, processes and mechanisms that protect the public interest, the use of disclosure of assets mechanisms for public officials in order to avoid possible conflicts of interest and incompatibilities, as well as other measures that increase transparency.

Declaration of Principles