Inter-American Instruments

Inter-American Convention Against Corruption:
Text - Signatures & Ratifications

Inter-American Democratic Charter

General Assembly Resolutions:
AG/RES. 2219 (XXXVI-O/06)
AG/RES. 2222 (XXXVI-O/06)
..........(complete list)

Summits of the Americas:
IV Summit
Special Summit
III Summit
II Summit
I Summit

Conference of the States Parties to IACAC:
Declaration - Plan of Action

I Meeting of the Conference of States Parties to MESICIC:
Inter-American Program of Cooperation to Fight Corruption

Declaration on Security in the Americas


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National Legislation - MESICIC First Round

Standards of Conduct:

Declaration of Assets and Liabilities:

Oversight Bodies

Civil Society Participation:

Assistance and Cooperation:

The above classification corresponds to the legislation that has been provided by the Member States, within the framework of the First Round of Review of the Mechanism for the Follow-up of the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption, in their responses to the questionnaire that was used to collect information in this First Round.

In this round the Committee of Experts selected for review, among others, the following provisions of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption, which have been included in this classification of legislation: Article III, paragraphs 1 and 2 (standards of conduct and enforcement mechanisms); III, paragraph 4 (systems for registering income, assets and liabilities); III, paragraph 9 (oversight bodies, only those related to the functions of those bodies as concerns the fulfillment of the provisions contained in paragraphs 1, 2, 4 and 11 of Article III of the Convention); III, paragraph 11 (mechanisms to encourage the participation by civil society and non-governmental organizations in efforts to prevent corruption); and XIV, paragraph I (assistance and cooperation).