13.678 - Ana Matilde Gómez vs Panama
New patterns of persecution of human rights defenders in Cuba
Access to truth, justice and reparation with a gender perspective in Uruguay
Impact of colonization on the indigenous territories of the Atlantic Coast in Nicaragua
12.895 - José Tulio Carrillo Hernández vs Guatemala
Human rights and extractive projects in Honduras
Situation of the human rights of women deprived of their liberty in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the region
Situation of children and adolescents in Social Welfare Centers in Mexico"
Experience of the Mexican State with the System for Follow-up and Attention to International Human Rights Recommendations (SERIDH)
Human rights and mental health in Brazil
Situation of political rights and intersectionality of gender, diversity and race in Brazil"
Assessment of the policy for the protection of human rights defenders in Peru
Case 13.752 - Celia Edith Ramos Durand and Family vs Peru
The human rights situation of cross-border indigenous peoples in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ecuador, Colombia and Peru
Lack of protection of the right to water and its impact on rural, peasant and indigenous populations in Chile
Human rights situation of the Afro-descendant, peasant and indigenous communities of Bajo Atrato, Colombia
Case 13.004 - Campamento Masacre vs Colombia
Sexual and reproductive rights in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the region
Human rights situation of migrants and refugees in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in South America
Internet content moderation and freedom of expression in the Americas
Criminalization of human rights defenders in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Venezuela