Edition 2 – 2015   April - May - June
OAS-RTA Short Film Contest’s Winners Attend Award Ceremony, April 22
In the framework of the VI International Transparency Seminar held in Santiago de Chile, where the OAS and the Access to Information and Transparency Network (RTA) presented their Manual on Archive Management, the winners of the short film contest, “Get Informed and Improve your Life!” organized by the OAS and the RTA, were awarded for their winning submissions.
Winners’ and finalists’ short films are available here.
SAP Staff and MAPP/OAS recognized for outstanding contributions to the organization in 2015 Staff Awards
OAS Deploys 60 Observers and Experts for Federal Elections in Mexico, June 7
SPA co-hosts Seminar on “Political Reform Processes in Central America”, May 18
Roberto Menendez, (MAPP/OAS), Rosario Monroy (DECO), and Milagros Freyre (DEPM) were awarded for their outstanding performance at the OAS at the Departmental level, and María Fernanda Trigo (DEPM) at the Secretariat level at the 2015 OAS Staff Awards. In addition, the Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia (MAPP) received the Leo S. Rowe Award, which the Organization gives to employees or initiatives that act as models of inspiration for the Americas.
A team of 60 observers and experts headed by former President of Costa Rica Laura Chinchilla observed the June 7 Federal Elections in the 18 federal entities of the country. The Mission analyzed different aspects of the electoral process such as organization and technology, participation of women and men in the electoral process, participation of indigenous groups and people with disabilities, campaign financing, electoral justice and security.
Site of the EOM
Together with the Center for Electoral Assistance and Promotion of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (IIDH/CAPEL) and the Supreme Electoral Tribunal of Costa Rica (TSE), the OAS co-hosted the Seminar in San José, Costa Rica, during which Central American political reform cases and tendencies were discussed, and best practices and common challenges faced by the Central American isthmus and the hemisphere in general were identified.
Secretary General Luis Almagro inaugurates the Parliamentary Gathering during the VII Summit of the Americas: Legislative Transparency, April 10th
Advanced Inter-American Program on Policy Innovation and Management 2015 to take place on June 22-26
Belize and Guatemala sign Protocol to Special Agreement, May 25
The Secretary General highlighted his commitment to strengthening work related to the legislative branch of power, with the purpose of promoting higher standards of transparency in political representation in the Americas. Additionally, in his capacity as elected senator, he stressed the importance of the OAS in supporting legislative institutions of its Member States
The Advanced Inter-American Program on Policy Innovation and Management – AIPIM 2015 – will take place from June 22-26, 2015 in Washington, DC. 30 participants from 22 OAS Member States have been selected to participate in the course.
On May 25 in Guatemala City, the Foreign Ministers of Belize and Guatemala signed a Protocol to the 2008 Special Agreement which will allow the governments of both countries to hold national referenda with a view to submitting their territorial dispute to the ICJ for final settlement. Ex-Secretary General José Miguel Insulza participated as a witness of honor in the ceremony.
Secretary Casas-Zamora participates in “Latinoamérica Global” Forum in Madrid, May 4th
Electoral Observation Mission Commends Guyana on High Turnout in May 11 Elections
OAS Virtual Campus opens registration for Second Semester Courses
Secretary Casas-Zamora joined a panel of experts in this public event held at the Casamérica in Madrid. Latin America’s current political panorama was discussed, as were achievements and common challenges faced by the region.
Watch his interview here
Watch the expert panel here
The OAS Electoral Observation Mission, led by Senator Lisa Shoman of Belize and comprised of 22 observers from 13 countries, congratulated the citizens of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana for their participation in the electoral process on May 11 reflected by the high levels of voter turnout.
Registration for OAS Virtual Campus courses is now open. During the second semester, public procurement, open government and the Use of GIS Tecnology for Cadastre courses will be offered.
To learn more about the courses and to register, please visit www.campusvirtualoea.org
DECO Participates in Preparatory Meeting of the Annual Committee of the Declaration of Principles of International Electoral Observation, May 6th
The SG/OAS signs a cooperation agreement with the Senate of Paraguay, April 28th
Phase II of project: "Promoting the right to identity among Colombia - Ecuador - Peru - Paraguay and Bolivia" begins
During the meeting, organized by the External European Action Service in Brussels, Belgium, the topics to be discussed in the 10thanniversary of the committee in October in New York were identified. The political participation of women, elections in countries experiencing conflict, and civil society will be some of the highlights of the agenda.
As a result of previous technical cooperation that the Section for the Support for Representative Institutions lent to the Senate of Paraguay, an MoU was signed on April 28th. During the ceremony, the President of the Paraguayan Senate, Blas Antonio Llano, highlighted the important role the OAS could play in supporting legislative modernization in the Americas and stressed that “the agreement is situated in the framework of a process of transparency and modernization that Paraguay requires in order to allow its institutions to modernize and to meet the objectives for which they were created.”
The Project on Identification and Registration Campaigns began in border areas between Ecuador-Colombia, Ecuador-Peru and Bolivia-Paraguay. This second phase aims to provide a joint solution to the underreporting of people through the implementation of registration and identification campaigns in border areas as well as strengthen the technical and training abilities of civil registries while avoiding double counting through the exchange and verification of information and data amongst institutions.
The Section for the Support of Representative Institutions will support the Second Meeting of the Inter-American Forum of Presidents of Parliaments, August 7th
OAS Congratulates the People of Suriname for their Exemplary Civic Spirit in May 25 Elections
Secretary Casas-Zamora takes part in UK International Observers Programme for May 7 United Kingdom Elections
On April 29 the SG/OAS expressed its commitment to support the Chilean Congress in carrying out this second meeting of the Presidents of the Legislative Branch, which will take place on August 7th 2015 in Santiago de Chile. During the ceremony, the President of the Bicameral Committee on Transparency of the Chilean Congress, Senator Hernan Larrain, highlighted the OAS as the ideal space for relevant concepts such as transparency and integrity to be discussed by legislative institutions.
The OAS Electoral Observation Mission congratulated the citizens of Suriname for their exemplary civic spirit and active participation in the May 25 General Elections. The 24-member team comprised of 13 nationalities and led by Chilean international expert Irene Klinger, observed the elections in all 10 districts of the country.
Dr. Casas-Zamora and 47 other international observers took part in the Programme, hosted by the United Kingdom Electoral Commission in London. Among the international observers were individuals representing Belize, Brazil, Canada, and Mexico.
DEPM/OAS launches the III Inter-American Award for Innovation in Effective Public Management
Secretary General Luis Almagro reaffirms his commitment to Belize-Guatemala Process, May 28
The SAIR/OAS sponsors the VI Session of the Special Inter-Parliamentary Committee on Business Development for Competitiveness and Competition of the FOPREL, April 10th
Through the selection of a Jury of Experts, the Award seeks to identify and award innovative experiences in public management implemented by public institutions of the Americas. The deadline to apply for this third edition of the Award is June 30th, 2015.
During a visit to Guatemala City, Secretary General Luis Almagro Lemes reaffirmed the Organization’s commitment to continue supporting Belize and Guatemala as they advance their efforts to arrive at a final and definitive settlement to the territorial dispute between the two neighboring countries. Secretary Almagro met with both Foreign Ministers, as well as with the international community to express his deep satisfaction with the progress achieved to date under the auspices of the OAS.
In order to strengthen integration and parliamentary diplomacy in the Americas, the Section for the Support of Representative Institutions of the OAS and the Forum of Presidents of the Legislatives Branch of Central America and the Caribbean Basin (FOPREL in Spanish) worked together on the harmonization of legislation concerning sustainable development from a Public-Private Alliances perspective in its member states.
Seminar Promoting Inclusive Growth: Increasing Participation of Women in Government Procurement, May 26th and 27th
DEPM/OAS organizes the 4th MECIGEP Round of Analysis in Peru, June 3-5
OAS Permanent Council Receives Reports of Electoral Missions to Dominica, El Salvador, Peru and Saint Kitts and Nevis
The seminar titled Promoting Inclusive Growth: Increasing Participation of Women in Government Procurement took place May 26th and 27th at the headquarters of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington DC. The seminar was hosted in the framework of the Inter-American Network on Government Procurement (INGP) with the objective of generating dialogue on the topic of promoting the procurement of women owned businesses in Latin America and the Caribbean.
In the framework of the Inter-American Cooperation Mechanism for Effective Public Management (MECIGEP), from June 3-5, 2015 DEP officers and experts from Uruguay, Chile and Peru gathered in Lima for the 4th Round of Analysis on Open Data.
The Permanent Council of the OAS received the verbal reports of the electoral observation missions that the institution sent to the elections in Dominica ,
El Salvador ,
Peru and
Saint Kitts and Nevis . The respective Chiefs of Mission presented the main conclusions and recommendations resulting from the work of the Mission.
The OAS and FHI 360 present the Integrated Social Information System
May 25th
Following the signing of a cooperation agreement by the OAS and Family Health International (FHI 360), on May 25th the Department for Effective Public Management and FHI 360, together
with the Access to Public Information Institute
of El Salvador, presented the Integrated Social Information System, which serves as a unified platform that facilitates citizens’ access to information regarding public institutions.
SPA/OAS launches Series of Essays
on Politics in the Americas
June 10th
With the aim of contributing to the substantive debate regarding politics in the Western Hemisphere, the SPA/OAS has launched a Series of Essays on Politics in the Americas. The first volume addresses the issue of inequality in the region’s democratic regimes. The main findings of the publication were presented at an event by Dr. Kevin Casas-Zamora, Secretary for Political Affairs, with comments from Dr. Hector Schamis and Dr. Cynthia McClintock, professors at Georgetown University and George Washington University, respectively.
Volumen No. 1: Desigualdad Política
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