Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation
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Antigua and Barbuda - General Election, June 12, 2014

Preliminary Statement of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission on the General Elections In Antigua and Barbuda
June 13, 2014

The Electoral Observation Mission (EOM) of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Antigua and Barbuda congratulates the people of Antigua and Barbuda for their extraordinary commitment to the electoral process, reflected in a high voter turnout and a peaceful exercise of their franchise during the Election Day.

The Secretary General of the OAS, José Miguel Insulza, spoke with Prime Minister-elect Gaston Brown to extend his congratulations and to offer the support of the Organization to his government.

The OAS/EOM, led by Rosina Wiltshire, designated by Secretary General Insulza, recognizes the efforts made by both the Antigua and Barbuda Electoral Commission and the Supervisor of Elections in the preparation of this election, enabling them to overcome several of the problems experienced in 2009. These efforts resulted in the conduct of an organized and outstanding electoral process.

The OAS/EOM fielded a team of 16 members from 12 countries to observe the June 12th, 2014 General Election on invitation of the Antigua and Barbuda Government. On Election Day, observers were present in all 17 constituencies, visiting 100% of the polling centers. Voting started on time at 6:00 am in all of the polling stations observed. All stations had the required material for the conduct of the election and in 100% of observed cases police or security were present, collaborating to ensure a peaceful voting process.

The Mission was pleased to observe the extraordinary commitment of women in the political process, reflected in their strong presence at the polling stations as presiding officers, poll workers and party agents. In general, the observers noted that polling officials were well trained and diligent in the exercise of their duties. The Mission was also pleased that senior citizens and persons with disabilities had priority in casting their vote.

With the purpose of strengthening the electoral system in Antigua and Barbuda, and based on the observations and information gathered by direct observations of the OAS team, as well as in meetings with electoral authorities, government officials, political parties, representatives of civil society organizations and the media, the Electoral Observation Mission would like to offer the following preliminary findings: