Reports of Killings, Disappearances, and Multiple Forms of Discrimination against Indigenous Communities and Indigenous Women in Alaska, United StatesParticipants: State of the United States, Indian Law Resource Center, Alaska Native Women's Resource Center , National Congress of American Indians, National Indigenous Women's Resource Center Countries: United States Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
| 10-May-2018 |
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Citizen Security and Allegations of the Irregular Use of Police Force in Natural Resource Exploration and Mining Activities in PeruParticipants: State of Peru, Fundación para el Debido Proceso Legal (DPLF), Fundación Ecuménica para el Desarrollo y la Paz (FEDEPAZ), Grupo de Formación e Intervención para el Desarrollo Sostenible (GRUFIDES) , Red Muqui, Derechos Humanos Sin Fronteras Countries: Peru Topics: Citizen Security, Environment
| 01-Oct-2018 |
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Serious Health Problems Experienced by Peruvian Miners and State and Corporate ResponsibilityParticipants: State of Peru, Grupo de Formación e Intervención para el Desarrollo Sostenible (GRUFIDES) , Red Muqui, Instituto Natura – Chimbote, Ancash Countries: Peru Topics: Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights, Environment
| 01-Oct-2018 |
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Judicial Corruption Crisis in Peru and Its Impact on Human Rights and Freedom of ExpressionParticipants: State of Peru, Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL) Countries: Peru Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
| 01-Oct-2018 |
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CICIG’s role in the fight against corruption and its impact on the human rights situation in Guatemala (EX OFFICIO)Participants: Countries: Guatemala Topics: Most serious crimes under International Criminal Law, Access to Justice, Judicial Guarantees
| 01-Oct-2018 |
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Allegations of Grave Human Rights Violations Relating to the Disappearance of Social and Peasant Leaders in GuatemalaParticipants: State of Guatemala, Impunity Watch, Asociación Memoria Dignificación y Esperanza (AMDE ) , Asociación CIvil Verdad y Vida, Comité de Unidad Campesina (CUC) Countries: Guatemala Topics: Labor and Workers' Rights, Human Rights Defenders, Right of Association
| 01-Oct-2018 |
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Rights of Indigenous Qéqchi Maya Families Affected by Forced Evictions in GuatemalaParticipants: State of Guatemala, Comité de Unidad Campesina (CUC), Ronaldo Galeano Countries: Guatemala Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Forced Displacement
| 01-Oct-2018 |
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Reports on the Criminalization of Social Activists and Journalists in CubaParticipants: State of Cuba, Diario de Cuba , Instituto sobre Raza, Igualdad y Derechos Humanos, Consejería Jurídica e Instrucción Cívica Countries: Cuba Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
| 01-Oct-2018 |
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Search Process for Persons Disappeared During the Armed Conflict in El SalvadorParticipants: Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF), State of El Salvador, Comite de Familiares de Victimas de las Violaciones de los Derechos Humanos de El Salvador "Marianella Garcia Villas" (CODEFAM), Comité de Madres y Familiares Cristianos de Presos, Desaparecidos y Asesinados Padre Octavo Ortiz (COMAFAC), Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Centroamericana (IDHUCA), Asociación Pro-Búsqueda de Niñas y Niños Desaparecidos a Consecuencia del Conflicto Armado (Pro-Búsqueda), Comité de Madres de Reos y Desaparecidos Políticos de El Salvador “Monseñor Romero” (COMADRES), Centro de derechos humanos “Madeleine Lagadec” (CPDH), Asociación Febe Elizabeth Velásquez (ASOFEBE), Fundación Comunicándonos , Fundación Cristosal Countries: El Salvador Topics: Impact of violence and armed conflicts
| 01-Oct-2018 |
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Rights of Persons with Disabilities in El SalvadorParticipants: Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF), State of El Salvador, Fundación Red de Sobrevivientes y Personas con Discapacidad Countries: El Salvador Topics: Rights of Persons with Disabilities
| 01-Oct-2018 |
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Protection of Defenders of Human Rights of Women, LGBTI Persons, and Children in El SalvadorParticipants: State of El Salvador, Fundación de Estudios para la Aplicación del Derecho (FESPAD), Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Centroamericana (IDHUCA), Asociación Pro-Búsqueda de Niñas y Niños Desaparecidos a Consecuencia del Conflicto Armado (Pro-Búsqueda), Asociación Salvadoreña de Mujeres Trans (ASTRANS) , Colectiva Feminista para el Desarrollo Local, Asociación de Derechos HumanosTutela Legal “María Julia Hernández”, Mesa por el Derecho a Defender Derechos en El Salvador (MDDD), Mesa por la Ley de Identidad de Género, Movimiento de Mujeres de Santo Tomas (MOMUJEST) , Asociación Organización de Mujeres Salvadoreñas por la Paz (ORMUSA) , Red de Defensores y Defensoras de Derechos Humanos, Red Salvadoreña de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos, Servicio Social Pasionista (SSPAS) , Comité de Rescate de las Cuencas de La Libertad (CORCULL) Countries: El Salvador Topics: Rights of Women, Rights of Children, Human Rights Defenders, Rights of Persons LGBTI
| 01-Oct-2018 |
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Gender Equality, Sexual and Reproductive Rights, and Allegations of Forced Sterilization of Women in PeruParticipants: State of Peru, Grupo de Seguimiento a las Reparaciones por Esterilizaciones Forzadas de la Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos (GREF – CNDDHH) Countries: Peru Topics: Rights of Women
| 01-Oct-2018 |
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Guarantees for the Independence of the Judiciary and Justice Operators in BoliviaParticipants: Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF), State of Bolivia, Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir (CDC), Oficina Jurídica para la Mujer, Coordinadora de la Mujer , Fundación Construir , Derechos en Acción Bolivia, ASUNCAMI, Colectivo TLGBI Bolivia , Fundación Buen Gobierno, Fundación Observatorio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos , Fundación Tribuna Constitucional Countries: Bolivia Topics: Rule of Law, Independence of the Judiciary
| 01-Oct-2018 |
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Reports of Harassment and Violence against Female Social Leaders in BoliviaParticipants: State of Bolivia, Comite de America Latina y el Caribe para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer (CLADEM), Oficina Jurídica para la Mujer, Comunidad de Derechos Humanos Bolivia, Observatorio de Exigibilidad de los Derechos de las Mujeres, Unión Nacional de Instituciones para el Trabajo de Acción Social (UNITAS) , Colectivo CIDEM Countries: Bolivia Topics: Rights of Women, Human Rights Defenders
| 01-Oct-2018 |
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Reports on Repression and Violence in the Context of Protests in NicaraguaParticipants: State of Nicaragua, Comisión Permanente de Derechos Humanos, Instituto sobre Raza, Igualdad y Derechos Humanos, Radio Darío León, Programa de TV y Radio “Café con Voz” , Canal 100% Noticias , Radio La Costeñísima Countries: Nicaragua Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Citizen Security, Impact of violence and armed conflicts
| 02-Oct-2018 |
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Situation of Human Rights Defenders in Nicaragua: Allegations Reports of Arbitrary Detention and Lack of Access to JusticeParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH), State of Nicaragua, Amnesty International, Movimiento Autónomo de Mujeres de Nicaragua (MAMN), Asociadas por lo Justo (JASS) , Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (IM Defensoras), Fundación Popol Na para la Promoción y el Desarrollo Municipal, Instituto sobre Raza, Igualdad y Derechos Humanos, Centro de Investigación de la Comunicación (CINCO), Instituto de Liderazgo de Las Segovias (ILLS), IPAS, Iniciativa Nicaragüense de Defensoras de Derechos Humanos de las mujeres (IN-Defensoras), Instituto de estudios estratégicos y políticas públicas (IEEPP) Countries: Nicaragua Topics: Human Rights Defenders, Access to Justice, Judicial Guarantees
| 02-Oct-2018 |
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Guarantees for Children’s Rights in Colombia’s 102 Indigenous PeoplesParticipants: Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia (ONIC), State of Colombia, Defensa de Niños y Niñas Internacional (DNI), Akubadaura, Fundación Caminos de Identidad (FUCAI), Corporación de Apoyos a Comunidades Populares (CODACOP), Organización Indígena de la Nación Wayuu Countries: Colombia Topics: Rights of Children, Rights of Indigenous Peoples
| 02-Oct-2018 |
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Guarantees for Freedom of Expression, Association, and Peaceful Assembly for Trade Unions in the AmericasParticipants: International Trade Union Confederation , Confederación Sindical de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras de las Américas (CSA), Solidarity Center Countries: Regional Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Labor and Workers' Rights, Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights, Right of Association
| 02-Oct-2018 |
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Violations of the Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights of LGBTI Persons in the RegionParticipants: Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Personas Trans (REDLACTRANS) Countries: Regional Topics: Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights, Rights of Persons LGBTI, Environment
| 02-Oct-2018 |
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Rights of Internally Displaced Persons in HondurasParticipants: State of Honduras, Centro de Prevención, Tratamiento y Rehabilitación de Víctimas de Tortura (CPTRT), Casa Alianza, Equipo de Reflexión, Investigación de la Compañía de Jesús (ERIC), Centro de Investigación y Promoción de Derechos Humanos (CIPRODEH), Red Jesuita con Migrantes Centroamérica, Colectivo Unidad Color Rosa , Foro Nacional para las Migraciones (FONAMIH) , Pastoral de Movilidad Humana de Honduras, Asociación Cozumel Trans, Asociación Para Una Vida Mejor de Personas Viviendo con VIH (APUVIMEH), Radio Progreso, Grupo Mentes Positivas, Red de organizaciones de sociedad civil para la Protección de Personas Desplazadas Countries: Honduras Topics: Rights of Migrants and their Families, Forced Displacement
| 02-Oct-2018 |
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Situation of Persons Criminalized and Deprived of Liberty during the Post electoral Conflict in HondurasParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Honduras, Amnesty International, Coalición contra la Impunidad, Comité Pro la Liberación de Presos Políticos Countries: Honduras Topics: Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty, Access to Justice, Judicial Guarantees
| 03-Oct-2018 |
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Reports of Criminalization of Persons for the Use of Indigenous Jurisdiction in EcuadorParticipants: State of Ecuador, Movimiento Indígena y Campesino de Cotopaxi Countries: Ecuador Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Access to Justice, Judicial Guarantees
| 03-Oct-2018 |
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Situation of Disappeared Persons in Ecuador and the Rights to Truth and JusticeParticipants: State of Ecuador, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE), Fundación Regional de Asesoría en Derechos Humanos (INREDH), Asociación de Familiares y Amigos de Personas Desaparecidas en el Ecuador (ASFADEC) , Fernanda Restrepo , Alexandra Córdova Countries: Ecuador Topics: Access to Justice, Judicial Guarantees
| 03-Oct-2018 |
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Reports of Killings, Threats, and Forced Displacement of Defenders of Land Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Afrodescendents in ColombiaParticipants: State of Colombia, Movimiento Significativo de Ciudadanos Colombia Humana , Movimiento Alternativo Indígena y Social (MAIS), Corporación para los Derechos de los Afrodescendientes (CODEAFRO) Countries: Colombia Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Rights of Afro-Descendents / Against Racial Discrimination, Human Rights Defenders, Forced Displacement
| 03-Oct-2018 |
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Reports of Violations of the Rights of AfroColombian Communities Affected by the Armed Conflict in ColombiaParticipants: State of Colombia, Asociación Nacional de Afrocolombianos Desplazados (AFRODES), Instituto sobre Raza, Igualdad y Derechos Humanos Countries: Colombia Topics: Rights of Afro-Descendents / Against Racial Discrimination, Impact of violence and armed conflicts
| 03-Oct-2018 |
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