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On March 7, 2012, the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism held its Twelfth Regular Session. The theme of this year's meeting was “Strengthening Cyber-Security in the Americas” The Chair of CICTE, Grenada, was represented by Her Excellency Ambassador Gillian M.S. Bristol, Permanent Representative of Grenada to the OAS, who thanked the Member States for their support and encouragement during her time as Chair of CICTE.
During the inaugural ceremony remarks were delivered by the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, His Excellency Jose Miguel Insulza, who welcomed the authorities and recognized the initiatives undertaken by the countries of the hemisphere to combat terrorism in all its forms.
The keynote speech was delivered by the Director of International Cyber Policy at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom, Dr. Jamie Saunders. Dr. Saunders focused his speech on highlighting the need for collaboration between public and private sectors in order to combat cyber terrorism, and explained the details of the tactics developed in his country.
Guatemala was elected as Chair of CICTE for the period 2012 to 2013 during the First Plenary Session. His Excellency, Ambassador Jorge Skinner-Klee, Permanent Representative of Guatemala to the OAS, assumed the Chair of the meeting.
Colombia was elected to the Vice-Chair of CICTE for 2012-2013. Mr. Carlos Ivan Plazas, Plenipotentiary Minister of Colombia to the OAS, accepted the nomination on behalf of his country and expressed his Government’s appreciation for the vote of confidence.
The Vice President for Global Government Affairs and Cyber-Security Policy of Symantec Corporation, Ms. Cheri F. McGuire addressed the Member States in a speech delivered in the Second Plenary. In her remarks, Ms. McGuire spoke about technological change, global dependence on technology and the rapidly evolving techniques of criminals. Ms. McGuire, representing a private company, reiterated the importance of working with the private sector and civil society to address challenges in the field of cyber security.
The Member States were then invited to a dialogue on the theme of the event
The Third Plenary Session began with a speech from Mr. Christopher Painter, Coordinator for Cyber Issues at the United States Department of State. During his presentation, Mr. Painter stressed the importance of regional and international cooperation and noted the success of the work and collaboration between the State Department and the CICTE Secretariat.
Member States continued with their dialogue on the theme of the event.
The Fourth Plenary Session was dedicated to the consideration of documents. Upon consideration, the CICTE 2012 Work Plan and the Declaration on “Strengthening Cyber-Security in the Americas” were adopted by consensus.
During the meeting, Member States had the opportunity to exchange their views on activities and commitments to prevent, eliminate, and combat this scourge.
For more information, please contact Javier Montes