Eighth Regular Session of CICTE


Languages: Spa | Eng | Por | Fra


Languages: Spa | Eng | Por | Fra


Languages: Spa | Eng | Por | Fra

Work Plan

Languages: Spa | Eng | Por | Fra

Eighth Regular Session of CICTE

On the Eighth Regular Session of CICTE was successfully held March5-7, 2008 at OAS Headquarters in Washington, D.C. The agenda for CICTE VIII included an in-depth focus on three substantive topics: cyber security, document security and fraud prevention, and port security--trade and safe transportation. All public documents are available below. The Meeting of government experts to evaluate CICTE’s Pilot Project for Security in Tourism and Recreational Facilities and the Sixth Meeting of National Points of Contact to CICTE were held that same week. Along with the CICTE Member States, several notable experts from the public and private sectors in the region attended and gave presentations on the key topics.

For more information see Meeting of experts and Sixth Meeting National Points of Contact

For more information, please contact Javier Montes