Themes Concluded (1998-2024)

Protection of Stateless Persons

In March 2015, the CJI adopted the “Guide on the Protection of Stateless Persons”, contained in both the original and the updated report as well as the resolution that approved it.

In addressing this topic, the Inter-American Juridical Committee has examined the following background matter over the years:

  • 2015
    CJI/doc.467/14 rev.3 Statelessness in international law: a challenge to the member states of the OAS (presented by Dr. Gélin Imanès Collot)
    CJI/doc.482/15 Measures recommended for the states of the americas to prevent statelessness (presented by Dr. José Luis Moreno Guerra)
    CJI/RES. 218 (LXXXVII-O/15) Guide on the protection of stateless persons (resolution adopted by the Inter-American Juridical Committee)
    CJI/doc.488/15 rev.1 Inter-American Juridical Committee report. Guide on the protection of stateless persons

  • 2016
    CJI/doc.488/15 rev.2 Guide on the protection of stateless persons (Presented by Dr. Carlos Mata Prates)

  • 2017
    CJI/doc.529/17 Guidelines for the protection of stateless persons: update (Presented by Dr. Carlos Mata Prates)