Themes Concluded (1998-2024)

Participation of victims in criminal proceedings against acts of corruption

In August 2024, the Inter-American Juridical Committee adopted a report on the "Participation of victims in criminal proceedings against acts of corruption," (document CJI/doc.740/24) to help promote regional guidelines in this area based on procedural participation of civil associations and private, individual, and collective victims of acts of corruption. It also proposes the development of mechanisms that promote the harmonization of regional criminal procedural legislation consistent with international law and that ensure reparations are effectively comprehensive.

In the development of this issue, the Inter-American Juridical Committee discussed the following documents:

  • 2024
    CJI/doc.740/24. The participation of victims in criminal proceedings against acts of corruption.

  • 2021
    CJI/doc.653/21. The participation of victims in criminal proceedings against acts of corruption.
    CJI/doc.630/21. The participation of victims in criminal proceedings against acts of corruption.