Themes Concluded (1998-2024)

Guide on the Law Applicable to International Investment Arbitration

On March 2024, the CJI adopted a “Guide on the Law Applicable to International Investment Arbitration” (document CJI/doc.720/24 rev.1) that identifies international and inter-American instruments, as well as sources of jurisprudence relevant to the applicability of international arbitration. Through an interdisciplinary dialogue between public international law, private international law, and international arbitration, the Guide seeks to understand the issue and to improve the climate for foreign investment in the Americas, in the absence of a comprehensive and substantive instrument. The resolution adopting the Guide bears the same name: "Guide on the Law Applicable to International Investment Arbitration," CJI/RES. 289 (CIV-O/24).

In the development of this issue, the Inter-American Juridical Committee discussed the following documents over the years that serve as background information:

  • 2024
    CJI/RES. 289 (CIV-O/24) Guide on the Law Applicable to International Investment Arbitration.
    CJI/doc.720/24 rev.1 Guide on the Law Applicable to International Investment Arbitration (document of the Inter-American Juridical Committee).

  • 2023
    CJI/doc.686/23 rev.1 Guide on the law applicable to international investment arbitration (rapporteur: José Moreno Rodríguez).

  • 2022
    CJI/ doc.667/22 rev.1 Progress report: the law applicable to foreign investments (rapporteur: José Moreno Rodríguez).

  • 2021
    CJI/doc. 644/21 First report: the applicable law to foreign investment claims (rapporteur: José Moreno Rodríguez).