Themes Concluded (1998-2024)

Corporate Social Responsibility In The Area Of Human Rights And The Environment In The Americas

In March 2014, the CJI approved the “Guide to Principles on Corporate Social Responsibility in the Field of Human Rights and the Environment in the Americas”, contained in the corresponding report and resolution.

In addressing this topic, the Inter-American Juridical Committee has examined the following background matter over the years:

  • 2013
    CJI/doc.436/13 Corporate Social responsibility in the field of human rights and the environment in the Americas (presented by Dr. Fabián Novak Talavera)

  • 2014
    CJI/doc.449/14 rev.1 Second report corporate social responsibility in the area of human rights and the environment in the Americas (presented by Dr. Fabián Novak Talavera)