Current Agenda

International customary law in the context of the American Continent

The rapporteur, Dr. Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, has presented the following reports on this topic:

  • 2023
    CJI/doc. 688/23 rev.1 Fifth report on particular customary international law in the context of the Americas.

  • 2022
    CJI/doc.663/22 Fourth report on particular customary international law in the context of the Americas  (original version in Portuguese).

  • 2021
    CJI/doc.645/21 Third report on particular customary international law in the context of the Americas (original version in Portuguese).
    CJI/doc. 627/21 Second Report: International customary law in the context of the American Continent

  • 2020
    CJI/doc.602/20 First Report: International customary law in the context of the American Continent