Within the framework of the Organization of American States (OAS) some
extremely useful and significant progress has been made in improving and
strengthening legal and judicial cooperation among the states of the Hemisphere.
One major success is that efforts in this area have led to real cooperation
processes that are ongoing and are intended to be permanent and that in no
instance was it therefore a matter of simple, isolated, one-shot, or unconnected
actions. The processes initiated in this area have, instead, been consolidated
through institutionalization as real mechanisms for legal and judicial
cooperation that enable follow-up on progress made, give them continuity, and
move forward in establishing new cooperation agreements or measures within the
framework of said mechanisms.
Prominent among these legal and judicial cooperation mechanisms is the process
of Meetings of Ministers of Justice or Other Ministers or Attorneys General of
the Americas (REMJA), including working groups and technical meetings operating
under their purview.
The proposal to establish, within the framework of the OAS, a hemispheric forum
for dealing with issues related to justice and legal and judicial cooperation
through the REMJA was introduced to the Organization in 1996. Until that time, unlike other areas, these particular
subject areas had no hemispheric forum whatsoever for bringing together
ministers and top officials. Not only was this a serious gap but it was a
significant and costly weakness, because these are areas that undoubtedly call
for joint efforts and coordinated action among states, if they are to be
efficient and effective.
The idea of bringing together the Justice Ministers of the Americas found
immediate and warm welcome from the OAS member states, with the General
Assembly, at its twenty-seventh regular session held in June 1997, deciding to
that end to convene and organize the first meeting of those authorities (REMJA
I). Thanks to the offer by Argentina, that meeting was held in Buenos Aires, in
December 1997.
This first meeting attested to the advisability and importance of continuing to
hold these meetings on a regular basis, which was so acknowledged and mandated
immediately afterwards by the Heads of State and Government at their Summit of
the Americas in Santiago, Chile, and reiterated at subsequent Summits—in Quebec
City, Monterrey, and Mar del Plata.
REMJA meetings have thus been held eight times since the Buenos Aires
gathering—in Lima, Peru, in 1999 (REMJA II); in San José, Costa Rica, in 2000
(REMJA III); in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, in 2002 (REMJA IV); at OAS
headquarters in Washington, D.C., United States, in 2004 (REMJA V); in Santo
Domingo, Dominican Republic, in 2006 (REMJA VI); in Washington, D.C., United
States, in 2008 (REMJA VII); in Brasilia, Brazil, in 2010 (REMJA VIII), and
again in Quito, Ecuador, in 2012 (REMJA IX).
The REMJA process has become the foremost hemispheric policy and technical forum
for issues related to the strengthening justice and international legal
cooperation. So important and far-reaching are its concrete results that they
have exceeded expectations articulated at the time the proposal to promote this
type of meetings was originally put forward. It is now clear that the OAS member
states recognize the benefits and usefulness of this process and how important
it is to continue consolidating and strengthening judicial cooperation within its framework.