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The Workshops on International Law organized by the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States are part of the mandates required by the Declaration of Panama on the Inter-American Contribution to the Development and Codification of International Law and the Inter-American Program for the Development of International Law.
The “Declaration of Panama on the Inter-American Contribution to the Development and Codification of International Law” was adopted by the General Assembly in 1996 in Panama City. Among its resolves, it is important to note AG/DEC. 12 (XXVI-O/96):
“1. 1. Its renewed and most staunch commitment to continue promoting the progressive development and codification of inter-American international law in the framework of the Organization of American States as a suitable way to strengthen relations of peace and solidarity among the states of the Americas, with full respect for their sovereignty and the principle of nonintervention.
12. Its intent that the Organization of American States, through courses, seminars, studies, and publications on international law and judicial cooperation, continue to perform an important task in providing training and information to jurists, diplomats, scholars, and officials across the region.".
In 1997, the General Assembly, meeting in Lima, Peru, approved the
Inter-American Program for the Development of International Law. Its
implementation requires, among other actions, the following (AG/RES.
1471 (XXVII-O/97)):
“ Teaching of Inter-American International Law
h. To hold meetings of professors of public and private international law from the member states to share ideas and proposals for action. At these meetings, consideration could be given to preparing a handbook or other teaching materials, organizing workshops or refresher courses, and developing future links with appropriate academic institutions with a view to achieving the systematic incorporation of inter-American law into the curricula of the various faculties of law.
i. To hold periodic Workshops on International Law with the
participation of high-level jurists and specialists in international law
and of legal advisers from the foreign ministries of member states in
order to further the study and development of legal issues in the
inter-American system.”
The Workshops of International Law allow prominent professors of Private and Public International Law from prestigious universities throughout the Americas to discuss and analyze different aspects relating to the Inter-American System as well as the teaching of Public and Private International Law. Being all of the professor active in academia, the debates during the event may transcend to those professor who could not participate, and more importantly to the new generation of professionals.
Some of the issues considered during the Workshops are: the analysis of contemporary juridical themes; the exchange of ideas and proposals of actions to ameliorate the teaching of international law; the strengthening of the relations between academic institutions within the continent; and, the promotion of the study of the Inter-American System and its integration within the program of international law at schools of law of the hemisphere.
The Workshops are organized by the Secretariat for Legal Affairs (SLA) with the support of a teaching institution of the member states as established by the Resolutions on the Development of International Law .
Since 1999 to the present, there have been eleven Workshops of International Law.
Department of International Law
Secretariat for Legal Affairs (SLA)
Organization of American States
Corner of 19th Street and Constitution Ave., N.W.,
Washington, D.C., 20006, USA
Tel. + 1 202-370-0664
Fax + 1 202.458.3293
E-mail: [email protected]