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Publications - July 2015

New Publication: XLI Course on International Law

The Department of International Law of the Secretariat for Legal Affairs of the OAS is pleased to announce the publication of the book XLI Course on International Law, which encompasses the presentations given within the framework of the event, organized annually by our department in conjunction with the Inter-American Juridical Committee.

XLI Curso de Derecho Internacional (2014)

The Course on International Law series forms part of the doctrinal corpus of the inter-American system, and stands out due to the outstanding quality of its texts and of the authors that contribute to the publication, amongst which are judges of international tribunals, academics, employees of international agencies, members of the Inter-American Legal Committee, and other specialists on the subject. To access the book’s index, click here.

It is worth remembering that the Inter-American Program for the Development of International Law, adopted by the General Assembly of the OAS, requests the distribution of legal publications generated by activities organized by the Department of International Law.


» To acquire a copy, click here.

» For additional information about the Course, click here.

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