Data Protection - October 2013
Department of International Law attends XI Ibero-American Data Protection Meeting
On October 15 and 16, 2013, the Department of International Law (DIL) attended the
XI Ibero-American Data Protection Meeting as a permanent observer. The event, held in Cartagena, Colombia, was organized by the Ibero-American Data Protection Network (RIPD), the Spanish Data Protection Agency, the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Data Protection (IFAI), and the Spanish Cooperation Training Center. At the meeting were representatives of the personal data protection authorities of Latin America, more than 50 senior officials from oversight agencies, representatives of other public-sector institutions with responsibilities in this area, as well as international experts and scholars.
The OAS General Assembly has
recognized the growing importance of privacy and the
protection of personal data, and the need to
encourage and protect cross-border flows of
information in the Americas.
The fact that the event was
attended by a large number of data-protection
officials, experts, academics, and private
enterprises is a testament to the importance of the
issue of personal data protection for the region’s
countries, as evinced by the progress that they have
made in establishing protections for this right,
both at the constitutional level and through the
adoption of special legislation.
A variety of panel discussions
and speakers addressed such topics as the so-called
“right to forget,” cloud computing, cooperation and
law enforcement, professional certification systems,
and on-line behavioral advertising.
The Director of the DIL was
invited to speak about developments on the issue at
the OAS. In his presentation, he described the
efforts of the DIL as well as developments and
mandates that have arisen in the framework of the
Organization’s consultative and political bodies. He
drew attention to the contents of technical
documents prepared by the DIL under General Assembly
mandate, including comparative studies on different
legal systems, policies, and enforcement mechanisms
in place for personal data protection in the
Hemisphere. He also mentioned the Statement of
Principles on Privacy and Protection of Personal
Data in the Americas presented to the General
Assembly by the Inter-American Juridical Committee (CJI)
and, in particular, the mandate contained in a
resolution AG/RES. 2811 (XLIII-0/13), adopted by the
General Assembly at its last regular session, that
the CJI prepare proposals for the Permanent
Council’s Committee on Juridical and Political
Affairs on different ways of regulating the
protection of personal data, including a model law
on personal data protection.
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