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Courses, Workshops and Seminars - January 2015

Scholarships for the XLII Course on International Law Announced

The Department of International Law is pleased to announce that it has published its invitation for interested individuals to apply for the XLII Course on International Law, which will focus on "The Current Inter-American Legal Agenda" The announcement is available from the following link:

Scholarships for the XLII Course on International Law Announced

Organized annually by the Department of International Law of the Secretariat for Legal Affairs, in conjunction with the Inter-American Juridical Committee, the Course on International Law is aimed at publicizing and promoting international law, with an emphasis on the inter-American system and its current agenda. Every year, the OAS offers a number of scholarships for students from member states who are interested in participating in the Course.

The course will run from August 3 to 21, 2015, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where the Inter-American Juridical Committee is headquartered.

As in previous years, a distinguished group of legal experts in international law, from the Americas and other regions, is expected to serve as lecturers. They included distinguished scholars, judges from international tribunals, and senior officials of international organizations, among others.
This activity is being carried out in compliance with the Inter-American Program for the Development of International Law, adopted by the OAS General Assembly through resolution AG/RES. 2852 (XLIV-O/14).

For further details on how to apply for the course, please see the announcement (Español / English). For specific queries about the process of applying for scholarships, please send an email to the address indicated in that document.

» For additional information about the Course, please visit our Website

» For additional information about the Department, please visit our Website


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