The Department of International Law
(Secretariat for Legal Affairs) of the OAS
is proud to present the publication 48th
Course on International Law, which
compiles – in essay form – the lectures
delivered during said Course, held in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, from July 31 to August 11,
This volume has been incorporated into the
digital library in which the Department of
International Law offers, among others, the
complete collection of publications on the
Course on International Law, all of which are
available to the public free of charge.
The Course on International Law is organized
every year by the Department of International
Law of the Secretariat for Legal Affairs and the
Inter-American Juridical Committee, and
represents an opportunity to foster analysis,
exchange ideas and generate an open dialogue on
currently relevant topics in the field of
international law in general, and particularly
in the Inter-American System.
The instructors in the Course are among the best
jurists and international practitioners in the
Americas and have shared their knowledge and
experience in the essays that appear in this
publication, in the hope that they will
constitute a valuable contribution for those who
share their interest in these topics.
» 48º Course on International Law
is available free of charge at
this link.
» For more information on the Course on International Law, click on
this link.
For further information on this matter,
please contact the Department of International
Law of the Secretariat for Legal Affairs of the
OAS +1 202 370-0741.
» For additional information about
the Department of International Law (DIL),
please visit our Website.