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Signatories and Ratifications - Back to the Text of the Convention
Adopted at: Bogota, Colombia
Date: 04/30/48
Conf/Assem/Meeting: Ninth International Conference of American States
Entry into Force: 12/13/51, in accordance with article 145 of
the Charter
Depository: General Secretariat OAS (Original Instrument and
UN Registration: 01/16/52 No. 1609 Vol. 119
Observations: -
Country | Signature (mm/dd/yy) | Ra/Ac/Ad | Deposit (mm/dd/yy) | Information* |
Antigua and Barbuda |
12/03/81 |
12/03/81 |
12/03/81 RA |
Argentina |
04/30/48 |
01/19/56 |
04/10/56 RA |
Bahamas (Commonwealth of) |
03/03/82 |
03/01/82 |
03/03/82 RA |
Barbados |
10/09/67 |
11/14/67 |
11/15/67 RA |
Belize |
01/08/91 |
01/08/91 |
01/08/91 RA |
Bolivia |
04/30/48 |
09/25/50 |
10/18/50 RA |
Yes |
Brazil |
04/30/48 |
02/11/50 |
03/13/50 RA |
Canada |
11/13/89 |
12/20/89 |
01/08/90 RA |
Yes |
Chile |
04/30/48 |
05/05/53 |
06/05/53 RA |
Colombia |
04/30/48 |
12/07/51 |
12/13/51 RA |
Costa Rica |
04/30/48 |
10/30/48 |
11/16/48 RA |
Cuba |
04/30/48 |
07/08/52 |
07/16/52 RA |
Dominica (Commonwealth of) |
05/22/79 |
05/22/79 |
05/22/79 RA | |
Dominican Republic |
04/30/48 |
04/11/49 |
04/22/49 RA |
Ecuador |
04/30/48 |
12/21/50 |
12/28/50 RA |
El Salvador |
04/30/48 |
08/15/50 |
09/11/50 RA |
Grenada |
05/13/75 |
05/13/75 |
05/13/75 RA |
Guatemala |
04/30/48 |
03/18/51 |
04/06/55 RA |
Yes |
Guyana |
01/08/91 |
01/08/91 |
01/08/91 RA |
Haiti |
04/30/48 |
08/21/50 |
03/28/51 RA |
Honduras |
04/30/48 |
01/13/50 |
02/07/50 RA |
Jamaica |
06/27/69 |
08/07/69 |
08/20/69 RA |
Mexico |
04/30/48 |
11/23/48 |
11/23/48 RA |
Nicaragua |
04/30/48 |
06/21/50 |
07/26/50 RA |
Yes |
Panama |
04/30/48 |
03/16/51 |
03/22/51 RA |
Paraguay |
04/30/48 |
03/30/50 |
05/03/50 RA |
Peru |
04/30/48 |
05/15/52 |
02/12/54 RA |
Yes |
Saint Lucia |
05/22/79 |
05/22/79 |
05/22/79 RA |
San Kitts and Nevis |
03/12/84 |
03/12/84 |
03/12/84 RA |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
12/03/81 |
12/03/81 |
12/03/81 RA |
Suriname |
02/22/77 |
06/01/77 |
06/08/77 RA |
Trinidad and Tobago |
03/13/67 |
03/14/67 |
03/17/67 RA |
United States of America |
04/30/48 |
06/15/51 |
06/19/51 RA |
Yes |
Uruguay |
04/30/48 |
08/17/55 |
09/01/55 RA |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
04/30/48 |
12/21/51 |
12/29/51 RA |
Yes |
D = Declaration
RA = Ratification
AC = Acceptance
AD = Accession
R = Reservation
INFORMATION = Information required by the Treaty
(Declaration made at the time of ratification)
That the Executive Power, at the time of depositing in the Pan American Union the ratification of the Charter of the Organization of American States, signed in Bogotá on April 30, 1948, should make the following declaration:
The Government of Bolivia maintains, in agreement with the context of the Bogotá Charter, that "the respect for and the faithful observance of treaties" which is upheld in Articles 5 and 14 as a standard of international relations, does not exclude the revision of those articles by the peaceful procedures which are referred to in Articles 21, 22, and 23 of that Charter, when they affect the fundamental rights of States.
(Reservation made at the time of ratification)
That the Senate give its advice and consent to ratification of the Charter with the reservation that none of its provisions shall be considered as enlarging the powers of the Federal Government of the United States or limiting the powers of the several states of the Federal Union with respect to any matters recognized under the Constitution as being within the reserved powers of the several states.
(Reservation made at the time of ratification)
None of the stipulations of the present Charter of the Organization of American States may be considered as an impediment to Guatemala's assertion of its rights over the territory of Belize by such means as at anytime it may deem advisable.*
*/ With respect to this reservation, the General Secretariat consulted the signatory governments, in accordance with the procedure established by paragraph 2 of Resolution XXIX of the Eighth International Conference of American States, to ascertain whether they found it acceptable or not. At the request of the Government of Guatemala, this consultation was accompanied by a formal declaration of that Government to the effect that its reservation did not imply any alteration in the Charter of the Organization of American States, and that Guatemala is ready to act at all times within the bounds of international agreements to which it is a party. In view of this declaration, the States that previously did not find the reservation acceptable expressed their acceptance.
(Reservation made at the time of ratification)
With the reservation that the principles of inter-American solidarity and cooperation and essentially those set forth in the preamble and declarations of the Act of Chapultepec constitute standards for the mutual relations between the American States and juridical bases of the Inter-American system.
(Declaration made at the time of ratification)
Articles 27 and 28 of the Charter of the OAS do not create any military obligations for Canada, nor does Canada plan to adhere to the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance concluded at Rio de Janeiro on September 2, 1947.
Canada will nor carry correspondence of the OAS free of charge in the mails of Canada.
On April 28, 2017, the Secretary General of the Organization received a note dated April 27, 2017 from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in which that country expressed its decision to denounce the Charter of the Organization of American States in the terms set forth in the said note.On November 19, 2021, the Secretary General of the Organization received a letter dated November 18, 2021 from the Republic of Nicaragua in which that country expresses its decision to denounce the Charter of the Organization of American States in the terms set forth in the said letter. On November 19, 2023, the denunciation entered into effect and Nicaragua ceased to be a State Party to the OAS Charter.