Full Text (PDF format) | Signatories and Ratifications

The Presidents of the Republics of Peru, Uruguay, Panama, Ecuador, Mexico, EI Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Honduras,
Costa Rica, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Haiti, Dominican Republic, United States of America and Cuba, desirous that their respective countries
should be represented at the Sixth International Conference of American States, have sent to it, duly authorized to approve the recommendations, resolutions,
conventions, and treaties which they may deem useful to the interests of America, the following delegates:

Peru: Jesús Melquíades Salazar, Víctor Maúrtua, Enrique Castro Oyanguren, Luis Ernesto Denegri.

Uruguay: Jacobo Varela Acebedo, Juan José Amézaga, Leonel Aguirre, Pedro Erasmo Callorda.

Panama: Ricardo J. Alfaro, Eduardo Chiari.

Ecuador: Gonzalo Zaldumbide, Víctor Zevallos, Colón Eloy Alfaro.

Mexico: Julio García, Fernando González Roa, Salvador Urbina, Aquiles Elorduy.

El Salvador: Gustavo Guerrero, Héctor David Castro, Eduardo Alvarez.

Guatemala: Carlos Salazar, Bernardo Alvarado Tello, Luis Beltranena, José Azurdia.

Nicaragua: Carlos Cuadra Pazos, Joaquín Gómez, Máximo H. Zepeda.

Bolivia: José Antezana, Adolfo Costa du Rels.

Venezuela: Santiago Key Ayala, Francisco Gerardo Yanes, Rafael Angel Arraíz.

Colombia: Enrique Olaya Herrera, Jesús M. Yepes, Roberto Urdaneta Arbeláez, Ricardo Gutiérrez Lee.

Honduras: Fausto Dávila, Mariano Vásquez. Costa Rica: Ricardo Castro Beeche, J. Rafael Oreamuno, Arturo Tinoco.

Chile: Alejandro Lira, Alejandro Alvarez, Carlos Silva Vildósola, Manuel Bianchi.

Brazil: Raúl Fernández, Lindolfo Collor, Alarico da Silveira, Sampaio Correa, Eduardo Espínola.

Argentina: Honorio Pueyrredón, Laurentino Olascoaga, Felipe A. Espil.

Paraguay: Lisandro Díaz León.

Haiti: Fernando Dennis, Charles Riboul.

Dominican Republic: Francisco J. Peynado, Gustavo A. Díaz, Elías Brache, Angel Morales, Tulio M. Cesteros, Ricardo Pérez Alfonseca, Jacinto R. de Castro, Federico C. Alvarez.

United States of America: Charles Evans Hughes, Noble Brandon Judah, Henry P. Fletcher, Oscar W. Underwood, Dwight W. Morrow, Morgan J. O'Brien, James Brown Scott, Ray Liman Wilbur, Leo S. Rowe.

Cuba: Antonio S. de Bustamante, Orestes Ferrara, Enrique Hernández Cartaya, José Manuel Cortina, Arístides Agüero, José B. Alemán, Manuel Márquez Sterling, Fernando Ortiz, Néstor Carbonell, Jesús María Barraqué.

Who, after having communicated to each other their full powers and found them in good and due form, have agreed on the following:

Article 1. The contracting Republics accept and put into force the Code of Private International Law annexed to the present convention.

Article 2. The provisions of this Code shall be applicable only among the contracting Republics and among the other States which adhere to it in the manner
hereinafter provided.

Article 3. Each one of the contracting Republics, when ratifying the present convention, may declare that it reserves acceptance of one or more articles of the
annexed Code, and the provisions to which the reservation refers shall not be binding up on it.

Article 4. The Code shall go into force, for the Republics which ratify it, thirty days after the deposit of the respective ratification, provided it has been
ratified by at least two of them.

Article 5. The ratification shall be deposited in the office of the Pan American Union, which shall transmit copy thereof to each of the contracting Republics.

Article 6. Noncontracting States or international juristic persons desiring to adhere to this convention, and in whole or in part to the annexed Code, shall
notify the office of the Pan American Union, which in its turn shall inform all the existing contracting or adhering States. Six months thereafter the State
or international juristic person interested may deposit in the office of the Pan American Union the instrument of adherence, and shall be reciprocally bound
by this convention 30 days after the adherence with regard to all those governed thereby who have not made within that period any reservation concerning the requested adherence.

Article 7. Any American Republic bound by this convention which desires to modify in whole or in part the annexed Code shall present the corresponding
proposal to the International Conference of American States for the proper resolution.

Article 8. If any of the contracting or adhering international juristic persons should wish to denounce the present convention, it shall notify the denunciation in writing to the office of the Pan American Union, which shall immediately transmit a certified literal copy of the notification to the others, informing them of the date on which it was received.

The denunciation shall take effect only in respect to the contracting party which has notified it, and a year after it has been received in the office of the Pan American Union.

Article 9. The office of the Pan American Union shall keep a register of the of deposit of ratifications, and receipt of adhesions and denunciations,
and shall issue certified copies of said register to every contracting party requesting it. In testimony whereof the plenipotentiaries sign the present convention and
affix thereto the seal of the Sixth International Conference of American States.

Done at the city of Habana, Republic of Cuba, on the twentieth day of February one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, in four copies, written respectively in Spanish, French, English, and Portuguese, which shall be deposited in the office of Pan American Union in order that it may send a certified copy of all to each of the signatory Republics.