Inter-American Model Law on Access to Public Information (2010)

In June 2009, the OAS General Assembly directed the Department of International Law to prepare a draft Model Law on Access to Public Information, with the participation of organs, agencies, and entities of the OAS, Member States, and civil society organizations, with a view to providing the necessary legal framework to guarantee citizen participation in a democratic system, strengthen accountability and public trust in government institutions and guarantee human rights.

This mandate of the General Assembly entrusted the Department of International Law to coordinate the drafting of the Model Law and its Implementation Guide, with the support of a group of experts that met for a year to discuss, edit and finalize these documents.

The final versions of the two instruments were approved by the group of experts in March 2010 and forwarded by the Department of International Law to the political organs of the Organization in April 2010. During its 40th regular session, held in June 2010, the General Assembly approved the resolution on the Model Law and instructed the General Secretariat, through the Department of International Law, to provide support to Member States that requested the design, execution and evaluation of their regulations and policies on access to public information.