Relations with Permanent Observers

The status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States was established by the General Assembly at its first regular session, held in San José, Costa Rica, in 1971 [AG/RES. 50 (I-O/71)]. Permanent observers participate in the Organization’s activities and contribute to its programs.

General Activities: 2014|2013|2012|2011|2010|2009|2008|2007|2006

December 17, 2009 OAS SECRETARY GENERAL INSULZA SIGNS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE EUROPEAN UNIONOn December 17, 2009, the Organization of American States and the European Union signed into agreement a Memorandum of Understanding between the European Commission and the General Secretariat of the OAS.  This agreement serves to create a framework for the development of dialogue and cooperation in areas of common interest within Latin America and the Caribbean.  Specifically, the overlapping priorities established by both sides include the protection of human rights, the advancement of integral development, the strengthening of democracy and other issues of transnational relevance.  Working principles arising from this agreement touch on the development of formal and regular bilateral consultative meetings on policy issues between the two organizations; engagement in ongoing consultations and reciprocal sharing of information regarding especially the EU-LAC Summits and the OAS General Assembly; and finally, exchanges of experiences and best practices.  The agreement is viewed as an important expression of political will for increased cooperation between the OAS and European Union, and as providing an opening for potential contractual relations in the future, as well as for identifying specific opportunities for collaboration between the two sides.   The European Union has been a Permanent Observer to the OAS since 1989 and has been the fourth highest contributing Permanent Observer to the Organization over the past two years, providing more than US$2.5M in 2008 and 2009.  Support in past years has focused mainly in the areas of reducing illegal drug consumption and trafficking, the protection of human rights, and demining activities.  Remarks by Ambassador Angelos Pangratis, Chargé d'Affaires of the Delegation of the European Union to the United States of America

Press Release
OAS-EU Sign Memorandum of Understanding (European Union - Delegation of the European Union to the United States of America)
La OEA y le UE firman un memorando de cooperación en Latinoamérica y el Caribe (EFE)
OEA y UE firmaron memorandum de entendimiento para América Latina (La tercera)

December 16, 2009 LITHUANIA BECOMES PERMANENT OBSERVER TO THE OASOn October 29, His Excellency, Ambassador Vygaudas Usackas, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania submitted a request to Secretary General Insulza formally requesting the status of Permanent Observer to the OAS. In this letter, Ambassador Vygaudas expresses the interest of the Government of Lithuania to be granted accreditation as a Permanent Observer. Persuant to AG/RES. 50 (1-O/71), "Permanent Observers to the Organization of American States," and CP/RES. 407 (573/84), "Revised Procedures for Granting the Status of Permanent Observer," the OAS Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs reviewed the request, and issued a report to the Permanent Council, including the draft Resolution "Granting the Republic of Lithuania the Status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States."On December 16, the OAS Permanent Council voted in favor of the Republic of Lithuania's request to become a Permanent Observer to the Organization. In his remarks, Audrius Brüzga, Ambassador of Lithuania to the United States and now, Permanent Observer to the OAS, expressed his appreciation to the Member States for their consideration of Lithuania's request, calling the newly-established link a source of "promising cooperation." Ambassador Brüzga commented that Lithuania, although a small nation, can share with the Americas its expertise on regional integration, and hopes to use the OAS as a platform to engage in greater dialogue with the countries of the Americas, both on a multilateral and bilateral basis. The Permanent Mission of the United States welcomed on the approval of the request by noting that Lithuania is a "leading international partner" that demonstrates a commitment to democracy and improving human rights throughout the world. CP/RES. 966 (1733/09), Granting the Republic of Lithuania the Status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States (English)
CP/RES. 966 (1733/09), Otorgamiento a la República de Lituania de la Condición de Observador Permanente ante la Organización de los Estados Americanos (Español) Remarks of Ambassador Audrius Brüzga Press Release

December 15, 2009 OAS SECRETARY GENERAL SIGNS FIVE YEAR RENEWAL OF COOPERATION FUND WITH CHINA FOR US$1,000,000 AND MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR SCHOLARSHIPS PROGRAM WITH THE PRC MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Today OAS Secretary General Insulza and Ambassador Zhou of the People's Republic of China signed two agreements between the Organization of American States and the Government of the People’s Republic of China. The first agreement, the “Additional Protocol to the Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the General Secretariat of the OAS,” renews for five years the China-OAS Cooperation Fund in which the Government of China will contribute US$1,000,000 for OAS activities.  This Fund, which was originally established for a period of five years in 2005 for an equivalent amount, has the goal of promoting projects of international cooperation for political stability and economic and social development in OAS Member States, as well as programs of exchange between China and the countries of the Americas among topics of common interest. The second agreement signed is the “Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and the General Secretariat of the OAS for Human Development and Scholarships Programs.”  This Memorandum builds upon important recent cooperation between the OAS and the Government of China in the area of education by providing 10 scholarships annually for five years to undergraduate and graduate student nationals of OAS Member States to study in China.  Secretary General Insulza expressed the significance the signing of these two agreements has for the advancement of the relationship between the Organization and China.  Ambassador Zhou, echoing this sentiment, added, “China is prepared to join hands with American states in countering the challenges and sharing development opportunities.  I am confident that China and the OAS are fully able to build on what has been achieved, continue to increase mutual understanding and exchanges, and further expand the mutually beneficial cooperation so that the Chinese and American people will be better off.” The People’s Republic of China has been a Permanent Observer and important partner in OAS activities since 2004.  Support in past years has focused mainly in the areas of gender issues and violence against women, advancing the education and rights of youth, the promotion of culture and the arts, and sustainable development.  Remarks of Secretary General José Miguel Insulza
Remarks of Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong Press Advisory
Press Release China y OEA suscribieron dos nuevos convenios de cooperación amistosa (CRI Online)
China, OAS extend cooperation (
China, OAS sign cooperative agreements (CCTV)

December 11, 2009 SWITZERLAND SIGNS AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION PROJECT IN 2010The Government of Switzerland signed an agreement on December 11 with the OAS Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression to support the project, "Freedom of Expression in the Americas: Access to Information - Stage II - Emphasis Judges," with US$40,000 serviced in three installments over the course of 2010.The project seeks to advance the right of access to information by promoting understanding of the inter-American system of Human Rights and freedom of expression among judges and lawyers or magistrate assistants of high Courts in thirteen participating Member States. Specifically, the initiative will increase the knowledge among these agents through seminars that educate them on the protection and guaranteeing of the right to access to information through the production of local jurisprudence. Switzerland has been a Permanent Observer to the Organization since 1978, and is a major contributor among Permanent Observer countries to OAS programs in human rights.

December 11, 2009 QATAR PROVIDES US$20,000 TO OAS PROGRAMSThe OAS received a contribution today from the Government of the State of Qatar for US$20,000 supporting two programs of the General Secretariat. The funds received will be divided evenly (US$10,000) to the OAS Fund for Peace, administered by the Department of Sustainable Democracy and Special Missions; and, scholarships for Professional Development programs, managed by the Department of Human Development. Qatar has been a Permanent Observer with the Organization since 2002, and periodically provides support to the OAS in the area of culture, most recently contributing to infrastructure enhancement of the Museum of the Americas in 2005.

December 10, 2009 DENMARK CONTRIBUTES DKK1.5 MILLION TO HUMAN RIGHTSThe Government of Denmark will contribute DKK1.5 million (approximately US$300,000) to the project “Strengthening Access to Justice in the Americas: 2010-2011,” implemented by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. The program will help reduce the Commission’s backlog of cases by hiring lawyers fully dedicated to preparing and submitting pending cases before the Court, and to prepare reports on the cases in the merits state. With this contribution, the Commission would be able to address at least 15 cases per year from those countries that are currently most affected by the backlog, namely, those in South and Central America. More specifically, the funds from Denmark will contribute to the continuation of the good experiences already achieved in supporting the work of the Commission with facilitating access to the judicial system for indigenous peoples. Denmark, which has been a Permanent Observer to the OAS since 2000, is a significant and consistent donor to the programs of the OAS General Secretariat. Historically, Denmark contributes on average approximately US$315,000 annually to OAS programs in the areas of democracy promotion, human rights and supporting access to justice. In 2008 alone, Denmark provided over US$300,000 to the work of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

December 7, 2009 FINLAND PROVIDES €200,000 TO THREE OAS PROGRAMSThe Government of Finland pledged to contribute €200,000 (approximately US$285,000) in 2009 to three OAS programs in the areas of human rights, gender and sustainable development. Specifically, Finland has agreed to support the following programs: “Access to Justice for Women Victims of Sexual Violence in Central America,” being implemented by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, will receive €56,000 (approximately US$80,000); “Protection and Sustainable Use of Cross-boundary Aquifers in Mesoamerica,” being implemented by the Department of Sustainable Development, will receive €56,000 (approximately US$80,000); and, “Democracy and Gender Perspective in Local Public Finances,” being implemented by the Inter-American Commission of Women, will receive €88,000 (approximately US$125,000). The first project, “Access to Justice for Women Victims of Sexual Violence in Central America” will create technical tools for OAS Member States that outline specific actions for improving access to justice for women victims of violence in Central America. The second program, “Protection and Sustainable Use of the Cross-boundary Aquifers in Mesoamerica,” has the objective of advancing technical understanding of priority trans-boundary aquifers in Mesoamerica, defining adequate management instruments for these aquifers to promote their sustainable use for the surrounding areas, and strengthening local management capabilities of these aquifers. The third project, “Democracy and Gender Perspective in Local Public Finances,” seeks to strengthen democratic participation of women in the management of local public finances and to introduce gender perspectives in the use of public resources in the participating Central American towns. Since its inception as a Permanent Observer to the OAS in 1988, Finland has been an active participant in the programs of the Organization. Finland contributes almost annually to OAS programs in the areas of democracy promotion, human rights for women and indigenous groups, and advancing integral development.  On October 1, a large Finnish delegation of Ambassadors to the Americas and Foreign Ministry representatives visited OAS Headquarters to meet with Secretary General Insulza and high-level OAS officials to discuss deepening relations between the Organization and the Government of Finland. 

December 6, 2009 OAS MISSION TO ISRAEL
Ms. Irene Klinger, Director of the Department of International Affairs, headed an OAS mission to Israel on December 6-11, 2009. This mission included a professional tour of training affiliates of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Center for International Cooperation (MASHAV). The objective of this tour was to survey technical capacity, existing programs and training facilities of the affiliates of the Israel National Agency for International Development Cooperation -MASHAV in order to identify collaboration opportunities for the Americas in areas of mutual interest. The delegation was composed of Ms. Klinger, Ms. Claudia S. de Windt, Chief of Environmental Law, Policy and Good Governance Section, Department of Sustainable Development (DSD), Executive Secretariat for Integral Development, and Kristjan Sigurdson, Consultant, Department of Human Development, Education and Culture, Executive Secretariat for Integral Development. They met with Yoel Barnea, Minister, Beth-Eden Kite, Director of Training and Irit Shavit, Deputy Director of Training. For a full report on this trip, please click here.

December 2, 2009 ITALY PLEDGES €100,000 TO OAS DEMINING PROGRAMSThe Government of Italy announced a contribution on December 2, of €100,000 to three projects in the Office of Humanitarian Demining. The funds pledged will be divided evenly for the purchase of equipment, mine risk education and victim assistance in the Cordillera del Condor region of Peru, in Colombia and in Nicaragua. The funds directed to the Mine Action programs in Peru, Colombia and Nicaragua will help purchase equipment to carry out landmine clearance activities, mine risk education, victim assistance and socioeconomic reintegration of formerly mined zones, among others. Italy, which has been a Permanent Observer to the OAS since 1972, is among the most consistent donors to the programs of the OAS General Secretariat. Historically, Italy contributes on average approximately US$528,000 annually to OAS programs in the areas of democracy promotion, human rights, supporting access to justice, reconstruction of civil registry systems and demining programs. In 2008 alone, Italy provided roughly US$697,000 to the programs of the Office of Humanitarian Mine Action (AICMA).

November 12, 2009 GERMANY CONTRIBUTES WITH US$200,000 TO AN OAS INITIATIVE TO PROMOTE GENDER EQUITY IN CITIZENS’ PARTICIPATION IN NATIONAL POLITICS The Government of Germany approved a contribution of US$199,540 to the project, “Integrating a Gender Perspective into OAS Electoral Observation Missions.”  This project, being implemented by the OAS Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO), will focus on analyzing the factors that influence the opportunities and barriers confronting women seeking nomination or election to a political post.    This contribution from Germany coincides with the designation of 2010 as the Inter-American Year of Women via OAS General Assembly mandate AG/RES. 2322 (XXXVII-O/07), adopted on June 5, 2007 in Panama. The OAS will continue ensuring greater gender inclusion in its activities, developing projects that aim to ensure full access to the civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights of women, and disseminating information on successful experiences with regard to their contributions to politics and social development; among other activities planned for 2010. Germany has been a Permanent Observer to the OAS since 1972, and in 2008 contributed US$2,489,691 to OAS activities, an increase of 163% over the prior year.  Germany has been a key partner to the OAS, lending important support to initiatives focused on strengthening democratic institutions and the promotion of sustainable development.  The German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development announced in September a contribution of US$1,000,000 to support OAS activities in the areas of the promotion of peace in Colombia and the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples in the region. Press Release

November 10, 2009 ITALY CONTRIBUTES US$29,762 TO HUMAN RIGHTS PROGRAMOn November 10, the OAS received a contribution by the Government of Italy for US$29,762 to support a program administered by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, called "Initiative on Public Policies Regarding Citizen Security and Human Rights in the Americas." This specific project aims to identify and clarify the array of standards that are applicable in the public security arena and develop recommendations for Member States about how to enhance citizen security through effective, rights-respecting policing and crime prevention policies. Broadly speaking, the program will contribute to the improvement of citizen security in the Americas.  Italy has been a part of the OAS as a Permanent Observer since 1972, and is an active donor to the programs of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

November 6, 2009 PARLIAMENTARIANS ENDORSE SPANISH COOPERATION WITH THE OASA delegation of Spanish Parliamentarians members of the Development Commission today held an exchange with high-level authorities of the Organization of American States (OAS) in a meeting chaired by the OAS Assistant Secretary General, Albert Ramdin.

During the visit, which took place at OAS headquarters in Washington, D.C., parliamentarians Delia Blanco (President of the Spanish Socialist Party of Madrid), Joan Calabuig (Socialist Workers’ Party), Gonzalo Robles (People’s Party), Carles Campuzano (Democratic Convergence of Cataluña), Jose Maria Codes (Lawyer of the International Development Commission), and Almudena Lopez Garrido (Commission Secretary), learned about the programs and initiatives developed by the OAS and renewed their commitment to Latin America and their interest in strengthening the existing ties with the region.

Welcoming the spokespersons, OAS Assistant Secretary General valued the fact that Spain is one of the oldest Permanent Observer to the OAS. He also highlighted the support received from this European nation in several of the organization’s priority issues, and encouraged the continuing Spanish support not only at the level of financial assistance and cooperation, but also on broader issues.

“This is a very important organization and everything that occurs in the region is of our concern,” said Parliamentarian Joan Calabuig, who alluded to the approach that Spain will take towards Latin America, mainly after January 2010, when it will assume chairmanship of the European Union. He also commented on the importance of working on issues such as the link between immigration and development. Other parliamentarians also alluded to the relevance the region and OAS countries have for them.

Spain became a Permanent Observer to the OAS in 1972. Since then it has become a key partner of the organization by supporting programs in areas such as gender equity, human rights, institutional support, peace promotion, electoral missions, citizen participation and access to justice, among others. Press Release
Photo Gallery

October 29, 2009 OAS SECRETARY GENERAL MEETS WITH AMBASSADOR OF LITHUANIA, AUDRIUS BRUZGAThe Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, met with the Ambassador of Lithuania to the U.S., Audrius Bruzga.

Though not a Permanent Observer to the OAS, Lithuania formally presented a letter, in accordance with General Assembly Resolution AG/RES. 50 (I-O/71), to Secretary General Insulza in order to apply for the status of Permanent Observer. In addition to becoming a Permanent Observer, the two also discussed the situation in Honduras, as well as the region as a whole. Currently, Lithuania holds the Chair of the Community of Democracies. Photo Gallery

October 29, 2009 OAS SECRETARY GENERAL MEETS ITALIAN UNDER-SECRETARY OF FOREIGN RELATIONSThe Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, met Thursday with the under-Secretary of Foreign Relations of Italy, Mr. Vincenzo Scotti, on official visit in Washington, D.C.

During the meeting, held in the office of the Secretary General at OAS Headquarters, the two exchanged views about current affairs in the continent, with special stress on relations between Europe and Latin America, Italian cooperation with Central America on issues of Public Security and the Judiciary, and the evolution of regional organizations in the hemisphere.

Italy is a Permanent Observer at the OAS since May 17, 1972. The Italian Permanent Observer to the OAS since October 1, 2009, is Ambassador Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata.
  Photo Gallery
Press Release

October 21, 2009 OAS SECRETARY GENERAL RECEIVES NEW AMBASSADOR AND PERMANENT OBSERVER TO THE OAS, GUILIOMARIA TERZI DI SANT’AGATA On October 21, OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza received the new Ambassador of Italy to the U.S., and Permanent Observer to the OAS, His Excellency Guiliomaria Terzi di Sant’Agata. Secretary General Insulza welcomed Ambassador Terzi di Sant’Agata in his new post in Washington, D.C., and during their conversation, Ambassador Terzi di Sant’Agata offered his support to Secretary General Insulza for his efforts at strengthening the OAS’ role in the international community. Ambassador Terzi di Sant’Agata further underscored his country’s commitment to the work of the Organization in its efforts in resolving crises of democracy. He also acknowledged the importance of the OAS and other regional organizations in the context of the system of global governance, and in maintaining and strengthening positive relations between the countries of the hemisphere. The Italian Ambassador then discussed with the Secretary General the situation in Honduras, and expressed his solidarity with the international community and his interest in resolving the crisis for the sake of peace and prosperity in the Americas. The two diplomats also reviewed the programs of the OAS in each of the four pillars of work. Ambassador Terzi di Sant’Agata was particularly interested to hear what the OAS is doing in the areas of economic development and poverty reduction, as well as its relation and function in the realm of the inter-American legal system. Finally, Secretary General Insulza thanked Ambassador Terzi di Sant’Agata and renewed his commitment to attend the upcoming Fourth National Italy – Latin America and Caribbean Conference, to be held in Milan, Italy on December 2-3, 2009. During the Conference, Secretary General Insulza will participate in a panel discussion on “A new phase between the United States and Latin America’s relations.” Photo Gallery

October 1, 2009 HIGH LEVEL FINNISH DELEGATION FROM THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS VISITS THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES OAS Secretary General Insulza and the Director of the Department of International Affairs, Dr. Irene Klinger, met with a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland that included the Director General of the Department for the Americas and Asia and all eight ambassadors heading missions in the Americas to deepen relations between the Organization and the Government of Finland.  Mr. Insulza spoke on the current challenges facing the hemisphere and on the Organization’s role in addressing these issues and the tools it has available for achieving its goals.  The Finnish delegation also received presentations from senior officials of the Inter-American Commission for Women, the Department of Sustainable Development, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and the Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation regarding the work being implemented by these bodies in the Hemisphere.  The Finnish delegation gave its appreciation for the updates on the situation in Honduras and for the presentations by the technical areas.  The Head of Delegation Elina Kalkku explained that the Ministry’s priorities for cooperation in the Hemisphere dovetail with those of the OAS in the areas of women’s rights, sustainable development and democracy promotion, and expressed hope that the OAS meet with success in its promotion of a negotiated solution in Honduras.  Interest was articulated by both sides in building upon mutual priorities to deepen the relationship, specifically via exchange of expertise in the area of sustainable development.  The Permanent Observer Mission of Finland to the OAS was established in 1988, and has recently pledged €200,000 for OAS activities in the areas of both 2009 and 2010. 

September 17, 2009 THE GERMAN MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT ANNOUNCES A CONTRIBUTION OF €1,000,000 TO OAS ACTIVITIES FOR 2009 On September 17, a high-level delegation from the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), together with representatives of the German development agencies, announced a contribution of €1,000,000 to be split evenly between two OAS initiatives: “Supporting the MAPP towards Safeguarding Victims in Colombia,” and “Support of OAS Activities to Promote the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America.”     The announcement was made by Ms. Dorothee Fiedler, in her capacity as head of the German delegation and General Director for Latin America from the BMZ, within the framework of a meeting held at OAS Headquarters with senior officials of the OAS General Secretariat in the areas of external relations, integral development, political affairs, and international law to discuss priorities for cooperation in the Hemisphere and means for deepening the partnership between the OAS and Germany.  The announcement came after the German delegation had the opportunity to engage in a lively discussion with OAS officials on the progress and challenges related to the indigenous rights and Colombian victim protection projects, both of which are currently in execution with funding from the Ministry.  The Permanent Observer Mission of Germany to the OAS was established in 1972, and in 2008 contributed US$2,489,691 to OAS activities, an increase of 163% over the prior year. 

September 17, 2009 OAS SECRETARY GENERAL MEETS WITH DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR LATIN AMERICA FOR THE EUROPEAN UNION, STEFANO SANNINO OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, met with the Deputy Director for Latin America and the Caribbean for the European Union, Stefano Sannino on Thursday, September 17. The two discussed various issues of the inter-American agenda including the OAS response to the crisis in Honduras, as well as ways to improve cooperation between the European Union and the OAS. The European Union has been a Permanent Observer to the Organization since 1989. Photo Gallery

September 16, 2009PERMANENT OBSERVERS HEAR ABOUT OAS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS IN BRIEFING WITH SECRETARY GENERAL On September 16, representatives from nine Permanent Observer countries that are either regular contributors or emerging donors in the area of sustainable development met at OAS Headquarters to exchange information with OAS representatives and staff from the Department of Sustainable Development on recent challenges and initiatives in this area of work. The briefing featured a welcome by Secretary General Insulza, and opening remarks by Adam Blackwell, Secretary for External Relations who welcomed the Observers to share information and experience on this important and timely topic from the OAS experts in each of the divisions of sustainable development: energy & climate change, environmental law & governance, conservation & sustainable use of biodiversity, disaster risk management, and water resources management. The Secretary for the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development, Ambassador Alfonso Quiñonez remarked that issues of sustainable development are emerging as significant for the inter-American agenda from the V Summit of the Americas, but have always been a part of the dialogue between the OAS Member States. At the V Summit, remarked Ambassador Quiñonez, the Heads of State and Government agreed that the most vulnerable need support and we have a shared responsibility to protect and to provide them. After all, he noted, what happens in the environment in Latin America and the Caribbean, happens in the environment in the rest of the world. Cletus Springer, Director of the Department of Sustainable Development, provided an overview of the Department and the environmental priorities, challenges, opportunities and lessons learned during the past several years. From here, the Department provided thematic presentations on programs implemented by the OAS in Sustainable Energy and Climate Change; Environmental Law and Governance; Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity; Disaster Risk Management; and, Water Resources. Following these presentations, Ambassador Quiñonez moderated a session of feedback from the Permanent Observers in attendance. Despina Manos, representative from the European Commission, spoke briefly to the policies of the European Union with respect to sustainable development. She noted that a great part of the Commission’s cooperation with the Americas is in the area of sustainable development, and believes that through new mechanisms currently in construction in the European Union, that cooperation will likely deepen in the coming years. Minister-Counselor José Maria de la Torre from the Permanent Observer Mission of Spain to the OAS, remarked that while the OAS is not the only inter-governmental organization dealing with these issues in the Americas, it offers the best cost to value ratio. The OAS is capable, he noted, of performing a great deal of work with very little resources and while Spain is historically not a major contributor to the area of sustainable development through the OAS, he recognizes the opportunities and hopes to explore them more closely. The session ended with closing remarks by Ambassador Quiñonez and Cletus Springer, who concluded by adding that in the coming years, the Department of Sustainable Development hopes to capitalize on its competitive advantage of merging the technical expertise and policy advice by reframing the discussion of sustainable development in the context of democracy and conflict resolution. That is to say, by working toward achieving sustainable development, the OAS Member States are able to bridge their differences on a technical level. Photo Gallery

September 15, 2009SECRETARY GENERAL INSULZA BIDS FAREWELL TO PERMANENT OBSERVER OF ITALY TO THE OAS, AMBASSADOR GIOVANNI CASTELLANETAOn September 15, OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, met with Ambassador Giovanni Castellaneta, Permanent Observer of Italy to the OAS, to bid farewell to the diplomat and salute him for his productive tenure as Permanent Observer to the OAS and Ambassador of Italy to the White House. During their meeting, Secretary General Insulza and Ambassador Castellaneta discussed the situation in Honduras as well as the relationship between the OAS and Cuba in the context of General Assembly Resolution AG/RES. 2438, “Resolution on Cuba,” in which the General Assembly revokes Resolution VI, adopted on January 31, 1962, suspending the participation of Cuba in the OAS. In response Secretary General Insulza reaffirmed the Organization’s commitment to democracy and the principles set forth in the inter-American Democratic Charter, and highlighted his appreciation for Italy’s support of the efforts of the Organization in resolving the crisis in Honduras as well as supporting democratic governance in Cuba. Additionally, the Secretary General reiterated his interest in attending the Forth Annual Italy-Latin America and Caribbean Conference, to be held in Milan, Italy from December 2-3, 2009. At the conference, Secretary General Insulza will participate as a panelist in the discussion on “A new phase between the United States and Latin America’s relations” on December 3, 2009. During Ambassador Castellaneta’s term as Permanent Observer, Italy increased its financial cooperation to the Organization by 65%. The country’s continued support for the programs of the Office of Humanitarian Demining through the Department of Public Security has undoubtedly contributed to the program’s success in the past few years.   Ambassador Castellaneta will be succeeded by His Excellency Ambassador Giuliomaria Terzi di Sant’ Agata, who most recently served as Italy’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations. Photo Gallery

September 11, 2009OAS SECRETARY GENERAL MEETS WITH FORMER PRESIDENT OF PORTUGAL, JORGE SAMPAIO OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, met with the former President of Portugal, Jorge Sampaio, in the framework of the Eighteenth OAS Policy Roundtable, "Learning to Live Together: Fostering Integration, Tolerance and Diversity in the Americas" to which Former President Sampaio was a keynote speaker in his capacity as the United Nations High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations. Photo Gallery

July 29, 2009ITALY PLEDGES €70,000 TO OAS DEMINING PROGRAMS The Government of Italy announced a contribution on Monday, July 27, of €70,000 to two projects in the Office of Humanitarian Demining. Of the total funds pledged, €35,000 will be directed to the program Mine Action in Ecuador and Peru, and the remaining €35,000 will finance the Victim Assistance in Central American program. Italy has been a Permanent Observer to the OAS since 1972.  Historically, Italy contributes on average US$528,000 annually to OAS programs in the areas of democracy promotion, human rights, supporting access to justice, reconstruction of civil registry systems and demining programs. In 2008 alone, Italy provided roughly US$697,000 to the programs of the Office of Humanitarian Mine Action (AICMA). The funds directed to the Mine Action in Ecuador and Peru program will help carry out landmine clearance activities, mine risk education, victim assistance and socioeconomic reintegration of formerly mined zones, among others. The contribution to the Victim Assistance in Central America program will assist in developing the capacities of mine victims in Nicaragua to reinsert themselves in society, including job training, psychological care and other services.     

July 28, 2009 THE NETHERLANDS CONTRIBUTES US$346,000 TO JUDICIAL FACILITATORS PROGRAM On July 28, the Organization of America States (OAS) received US$346,000 from the Government of the Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands to support the Inter-American Judicial Facilitators program in Nicaragua. The Judicial Facilitators Program, administered by the Department of International Law of the OAS Secretariat for Legal Affairs, provides training to intermediaries to act as representatives between the community and the Nicaraguan judicial system. This program seeks to improve access to the judiciary for rural and poor communities that often lack the necessary capacities and knowledge to access their rights as citizens. Since 2000, this program is known to have a positive impact on improving the existing judicial system in Nicaragua. The Netherlands, which became a Permanent Observer to the Organization in 1972, is an important donor to priority OAS programs, contributing approximately US$1.2 million annually. Other projects supported include the Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia, the Inter-American Children’s Institute, electoral observation missions, sustainable development and gender equity.  The Netherlands also is an active donor to OAS programs at the Embassy-level in its Member States.

July 22, 2009 SWEDEN GIVES MORE THAN US$130,000 FOR OAS RAPPORTEUR OF FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION On July 22, 2009, the OAS received US$130,535 from the Government of Sweden to support activities of the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression in the Americas. The Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression was created in 1997 by the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) to address urgent situations that merit the adoption of precautionary measures to protect the life, personal integrity, freedom of expression, and other human rights concerns, among others. The work of the Office of the Special Rapporteur has contributed to important legislative reforms, including the adoption by nine OAS Member States of the crime of contempt of court, recognizing its incompatibility with the right to freedom of expression. Similarly, several other States, including Trinidad & Tobago, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Ecuador have approved important laws on access to public information. Sweden, which has been an Observer to the OAS since 1996, is a primary donor to the Organization. The country contributes around US$3 million annually to programs in the areas of democracy promotion and electoral observation missions, humanitarian demining, the inter-American Children’s Institute, access to the judiciary, support to the peace process in Colombia and legislative modernization, in addition to its long-standing support to human rights programs.

July 22, 2009 LUXEMBOURG CONTRIBUTES US$49,989 TO OAS STRENGTHENING JUSTICE IN THE AMERICAS The OAS received on July 22, 2009 a contribution of US$49,989 from the Government of Luxembourg that will support the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights’ activities towards Strengthening Justice in the Americas. The Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) is an autonomous organ of the OAS, whose mandate is found in the OAS Charter and the American Convention on Human Rights. The IACHR carries out on-site visits to observe the general human rights situation in a country or investigates specific violations. The funds provided by Luxembourg will reinforce the mechanism for bringing cases to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, including support to the preparation of the application before the Court, elaboration of the case strategy, selecting witnesses and documentary evidence, as well as monitoring the proceedings before the Court, particularly the deadlines in the case, and the preparation of the legal arguments. Luxembourg has been a Permanent Observer with the Organization since 2004. The country has given contributions to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Secretariat for Political Affairs in the past.

July 22, 2009 A Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea and the OAS was signed on July 22, 2009. The objective is to support the inclusion of Korean students in the GS/OAS Internship program. The joint Korea-GS/OAS Internship Program, which will be implemented by the Departments of International Affairs and Human Resources, will place young Koreans in internships for six month periods at GS/OAS headquarters.

The signing of this agreement is the beginning of many new joint efforts to come, as well as the continuation of the efforts initiated in 1981 with Korean predecessors when Korea became permanent Observer. Press release

July 8, 2009 Representatives from 24 Permanent Observer countries convened at OAS Headquarters on July 8 by invitation from OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza and Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin for a briefing on the situation in Honduras and the efforts of the OAS in restoring democratic order in the country.  After a short welcome from the Director of the Department of International Affairs, Irene Klinger, Secretary General Insulza gave an overview of the events leading to the military coup d’état in Honduras on Sunday June 28, 2009. Insulza explained the underlying tensions existing in the country relating to the planned consultation to possibly convene a Constitutional Assembly and the events that ensued. The Secretary General also addressed the reaction of the international community and the role of the OAS in resolving the conflict. He recognized that the European Union was the first organization to issue a statement condemning the coup, and commented that he is pleased to see that the international community is joining efforts in support of the reinstatement of the democratically-elected President. Insulza noted that this support conveys an important message that these actions will not be tolerated and that there is no acceptable solution that does not involve the reinstatement of President Zelaya, While the official OAS Mission to Honduras did not succeed in negotiating the return of President Zelaya, the Inter-American Democratic Charter requires the Secretary General use all diplomatic tools available to restore democratic order. Unfortunately, he noted, the results of the trip required the OAS Member States to invoke Article 21 of the Democratic Charter, which was done last Saturday July 4th, through Resolution AG/RES 2 (XXXVII E/09) suspending Honduras from membership in the OAS.  The actions against the de-facto government of Honduras by the OAS mark the first occasion where a country has been suspended from the Organization in the context of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, calling attention to the strength of the document and its support. The Secretary General asserted that with the help of the international community - specifically the designated mediator, President Oscar Arias of Costa Rica, the OAS and the United Nations – he is hopeful this crisis will be resolved soon. Following these remarks, Secretary General Insulza fielded questions from the Permanent Observer representatives, including those from the Holy See, Sweden, the Netherlands, Serbia and Croatia. Among the inquiries, Gerald Flood, representative from the Holy See, asked the Secretary General about what the OAS expects to achieve in the resolution process given the de facto government is not willing to negotiate the return of President Zelaya. Insulza responded with the hope that the process of diplomacy will help to address some of the concerns of the parties involved, and will entail compromise on both sides of the disagreement. Wijnand Marchal of The Netherlands asked whether there has been any concern within the region that as a result of the events in Honduras, similar uprisings against their respective democratically-elected governments might occur. Insulza commented that there is, of course, unease among neighboring governments, but assured the Permanent Observers that the Honduran case is unique in that not only has the reaction from the international community set a precedent on sanctions against coups, but also there has not been anything to suggest another military coup would occur in reaction to Honduras. In addressing the efforts of the OAS, Dario Mihelin from the Embassy of Croatia, noted that some media has portrayed the OAS’ actions as post-facto and not preventive. In response, Secretary General Insulza noted that the OAS carries with it a respect for state sovereignty. It is the responsibility of the states, individually, to act. He remarked that as the situation developed, there were a series of consultations relating to the escalation of the crisis, but that much of the international community did not anticipate the coup. He asserted that the OAS and the remainder of the international community reacted quickly and with the diplomatic tools afforded to them. Secretary General Insulza closed the session by commenting quickly that the negotiations on the return of President Zelaya to the presidency of Honduras will continue. The OAS will work toward the safe and peaceful resolution of this crisis to democratic order, and will continue to keep the Observers involved in the process of dialogue.      Photo Gallery

June 11, 2009 On June 11, OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin met with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Antilles, Emily Saidy de Jongh-Elhage. The two discussed OAS cooperation with the Dutch Antilles, and Prime Minister Jongh-Elhage received a tour of OAS headquarters from the Department of International Affairs. Photo Gallery

June 8, 2009THE NETHERLANDS PROVIDES FINAL BOOST TO NICARAGUA’S HUMANITARIAN DEMINING PLANThe Dutch government made a contribution of 1.1 million dollars to the Program for Comprehensive Action against Antipersonnel Mines of the Organization of American States (OAS) in order to finalize Nicaragua’s National Demining Plan.The donation is quite significant because it enables clearance of the remaining areas in Nueva Segovia and Jinotega departments, thereby making Nicaragua and all of Central America mine-free. It is also the first time an international donor provides funding specifically for the recovery of cleared lands.Holland’s donation was formalized in Managua at a signing ceremony between the Netherlands’ Chief of Mission Lambert C. Grijns and Pedro Vuskovic, OAS Representative in Nicaragua, with the presence of both the Danish and Japanese ambassadors plus Nicaragua’s Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense and high level military officials on Monday June 8, 2009. The governments of Denmark and Japan complemented with bilateral contributions as their ambassadors in Managua pledged support at the joint ceremony in Nicaragua’s Ministry of Foreign Relations.  “The Netherlands has always considered humanitarian demining an integral part of national development, and is increasingly giving priority to socioeconomic development and productive activities in areas cleared of mines” stated Grijns as he signed the donation agreement making possible the completion of the Nicaraguan humanitarian demining program.  Ambassador Grijns also expressed his satisfaction for “the work and effort of the Nicaraguan Army as an independent and professional institution.”  He also acknowledged Denmark’s and Japan’s contributions.The OAS has been assisting Nicaragua for the last eighteen years in removing over 171,000 antipersonnel mines throughout the country and facilitating the physical and psychological recovery of the 1,144 registered landmine surviving victims.  During that timeframe, the program’s mine-safe messages have been carried over a million times person to person and by radio broadcast effectively reducing the number of landmine accidents in the country.  “We reached this day thanks to the hard and courageous work of hundreds of Nicaraguan soldiers and their officers in removing antipersonnel mines; and thanks to the cooperation of several countries that donated resources much like Holland is doing today.”  said Vuskovic.The OAS program assists national humanitarian demining programs in complying with the “Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction,” better known as the Ottawa Convention.  With financial support from Denmark, Japan, and other donors, the OAS provided assistance for the completion of humanitarian demining programs in Costa Rica, Honduras, and Guatemala.

XXXIX Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - San Pedro Sula, Honduras -
June 1, 2009
1:00 - 2:30PM
Hotel Intercontinental
On June 1, representatives from 35 Permanent Observer countries met for a luncheon at the Hotel Intercontinental in San Pedro Sula, Honduras with the Heads of Delegation of the 34 Member States of the OAS and the Assistant Secretary General to dialogue on the cooperation between the Permanent Observers and the Organization, as well as to discuss points of interest relating to this topic of this year’s General Assembly, “Toward a Culture of Nonviolence.” The Dialogue began with introductory remarks by the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Honduras, Patricia Licona Cubero, who offered her welcome on behalf of Honduras and invited the Permanent Observer participants to exchange opinions and points of view with the Member States and Assistant Secretary General on themes of the Inter-American Agenda. Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin, then provided a brief overview of the role Observers play in the Organization, noting that the Permanent Observers in 2008 contributed a total of US$25.8 million in cash, and US$354,732 in kind – an increase of 21.4% from 2007 – and provided contributions in all areas of the OAS, ranging from democracy promotion, security, human rights and development. Moderated by Vice Minister Licona, the Dialogue saw interventions from the following Permanent Observers: Spain, France, Italy, Germany, China, Ireland, Korea, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Israel, the European Commission, the United Kingdom, Austria, Finland, Croatia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Japan, Egypt, Belgium, the Russian Federation, and Nigeria. The Observers spoke on everything from the theme of the Assembly, their historic levels of contribution, collaboration between the OAS and other regional organizations, as well as offered pledges on their contributions for 2009-2010. Most representatives remarked that their financial contributions are still to be determined, but committed themselves to maintaining their presence within the Organization and to supporting, as best and as often as possible, the work of the OAS in all technical areas. Additionally, the Dialogue saw remarks from representatives of the OAS Member States of: Colombia, Chile, Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, and Jamaica. All the Heads of Delegation of the OAS Member States praised the Permanent Observers for their commitment to supporting the peoples of the Americas through the programs of the OAS. In thanking the Observers for both their moral and financial contributions to the OAS, the Member States called on the Observers to increase their contributions even in times of crisis. Indeed, they addressed how the issue of nonviolence in particular should mobilize the Observers to increase their presence within the Organization as such an issue transcends borders and impacts the entire world. The Dialogue closed with short remarks by Vice Minister Licona and Ambassador Ramdin, who once again lauded the efforts of the Permanent Observers in engaging with the Hemisphere through the Organization’s initiatives, and assured them that their contributions are truly significant to improving the lives of the peoples of the Americas.

May 27, 2009 On May 27, 2009, the Government of the People’s Republic of China underscored its support for OAS activities with a contribution of US$72,000.  The project, “Fostering Cultural Diversity and Creative Expression through Education,” will receive US$25,000 and will fund the Department of Education and Culture’s joint international workshop of high-authorities on culture.  The initiative, “Income Generation and Active Employment Policies for Populations in Conditions of Poverty and Vulnerability of the Americas,” will receive US$47,000 to support its development by the Department of Social Development and Employment to mitigate the effects of the current economic crisis on the most vulnerable groups.  

April 29, 2009

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, and the Permanent Observer of Spain to the hemispheric institution, Ambassador Javier Sancho, signed Wednesday a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to regulate how Spanish observers take part in OAS Electoral Observation Missions.

According to the MOU, Spain will suggest up to ten possible observers to the OAS General Secretariat to join an Electoral Observation Mission and will finance their travels. The OAS General Secretariat will fully integrate the observers within the mission and will finance both their daily allowances and their insurance premiums.

The signing took place at the office of the OAS Secretary General at the OAS Headquarters in Washington DC. Participants also included the OAS Assistant Secretary General, Ambassador Albert Ramdin, the Chairman of the OAS Permanent Council and Permanent Representative of Canada to the OAS, Ambassador Graeme Clark, and the Director of the OAS Department of Cooperation and Electoral Observation, Mr. Pablo Gutiérrez, among others. Full Press Release Photo Gallery

April 27, 2009

The OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, met with the Moroccan Ambassador to the United States, the Permanent Observer of that country to the OAS, Mr. Aziz Mekouar. The purpose of this meeting was to increase mutual understanding about the region and strengthen cooperation between the Government of Morocco and the OAS. Prior to this meeting, Ms. Irene Klinger, the Director of the Department of International Affairs met with Amb. Mekouar on February 11, 2009, at the Moroccan Embassy to confer about possibilities for enhancing collaboration between the OAS and the Government of Morocco.  On this occasion, Ambassador Mekouar had emphasized the importance of the work being done by the OAS in the areas of democracy promotion, economic growth, and development in the region, and he had expressed the interest and intent of the Government of Morocco to explore avenues for more actively supporting these crucial endeavors.  Photo Gallery

April 24, 2009On April 24, OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza met with the European Commissioner responsible for Economic and Monetary Affairs, Joaquín Almunia at OAS Headquarters. The two discussed EU-LAC relations and the impact of the economic crisis on trade relations. Photo Gallery

April 22, 2009Former President of Ireland and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson praised the steps taken by Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS) on Human Rights, and invited them to take the lead on the matter.

“I was really encouraged both by what was said and by the steps that the OAS has already taken in this regard, which I think are ahead of other regions,” she said at the end of her speech at the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs of the hemispheric institution, in a meeting that took place on Wednesday at the Bolivar Hall of the OAS Headquarters in Washington, DC.

Ms. Robinson especially highlighted the role played by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and in general de OAS in “promoting” Human Rights “not only in the Americas, but also globally”. Full Press Release Photo Gallery

_04-09-2009-0434 April 9, 2009 The OAS Secretary General Insulza met today with more than 39 representatives from 35 the Permanent Observer countries.  This meeting took place at OAS Headquarters Guerrero Room at 10:30AM and offered a unique opportunity for Permanent Observer representatives to exchange views with the Secretary General on the developments in the region, on the upcoming V Summit of the Americas which will take place in Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago from April 17 -19, 2009, and on the 39th Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly. Agenda
Contributions 2008
Photo Gallery

          April 7, 2009
On April 7, the OAS Secretary General Insulza met with the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Morocco, Mohamed Benaissa. This meeting was held to discuss issues of common interest and potential collaboration between Fundación del Foro de Assilah and the OAS. Photo Gallery        

          April 7, 2009
On April 7, 2009, the OAS Secretary General Insulza met with the Undersecretary of State, Vincenzo Scotti. Among other issues discussed, Mr. Scotti invited the OAS Member States to participate in the upcoming Italo-Latin American Conference which will be held in Italy on May 27th, 2009.          

          March 16, 2009
          On March 16, 2009, the Government of the United Kingdom entered into an agreement with
          the OAS General Secretariat to provide £200,000 to the Secretariat for Political
          Affairs/Department of Sustainable Democracy's Peace Fund, in support of the legal fees
          associated with the Belize/Guatemala border conflict being adjudicated at the International
          Court of Justice.          

          March 16, 2009
         On March 16, Secretary General José Miguel Insulza met with the Permanent Observer of France to the
         OAS, Ambassador Marie-France Pagnier. The two discussed the inter-American agenda and French
         cooperation with the organization.          Photo Gallery

         February 20, 2009
         On February 20, 2009, OAS Secretary General received a courtesy visit from the Minister of Foreign
         Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovnia, Sven Alkalaj. The two leaders met to discuss the role of the OAS in
         the Americas and expanding Bosnia's stance in global affairs through increased cooperation with the
         OAS Member States.          Photo Gallery

         February 11, 2009
         Ambassador Aziz Mekouar, Permanent Observer of Morocco to the Organization of American States
         (OAS) and Dr. Klinger, Secretary for External Relations, a.i., met on February 11, 2009 at the Moroccan
         Embassy to discuss the possibilities for enhancing collaboration between the OAS and the Government
         of the Kingdom of Morocco.           Dr. Klinger opened the meeting by sharing the priorities, work areas, and pillars of the OAS.  Within the
         Organization’s four pillars – strengthening democracy, integral development, multidimensional security,
         and the protection of human rights – Dr. Klinger detailed a number of the noteworthy OAS programs
         being implemented throughout the Americas.           Ambassador Mekouar underscored the importance of bilateral relations between the Government of
          Morocco and various countries throughout the Americas, particularly those that maintain diplomatic
          relations with Morocco.  The Ambassador also highlighted the interest of the Moroccan Government in
          the work carried out by the OAS in the areas of economic growth, the promotion democracy, and
          sustainable  development and expressed the intent to explore avenues for increased support these
          crucial endeavors.

         January 28, 2009
         On January 28, 2009, representatives from the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), hosted by
         the Department of International Affairs, met with donor country representatives to discuss the
         Commission’s 2009-2010 Biennial Work Plan, and highlight the important contributions made in
         advancing the rights of women in the hemisphere.          The Biennial Work Plan, presented by the President of CIM, Laura Albornoz Pollman, Minister of the
         National Service for Women in Chile, features advancements in much of the work already done by CIM
         in the past several years, in addition to new programs on women and voting rights, access to the
         judiciary and violence prevention. According to Minister Albornoz, the CIM intends to build discussion of
         the role of women’s rights throughout the various political organs and technical areas of the OAS.
         Minister Albornoz underscored the need to view women’s rights as a cross-cutting issue, and how the
         Biennial Work Plan aims to take advantage of this understanding by increasing the visibility and
         awareness of the Commission’s work through the creation of a space for dialogue between the Member
         States in the context of the General Assembly and the Summits of the Americas.          Representatives from donor Permanent Observer countries as well as Mexico, Chile, the United States
         and Canada were also on hand to strengthen to the dialogue on CIM’s commitments in the coming
         years. The Ambassadors and representatives from Spain, the European Commission, Canada, the USA
         and Mexico  took the opportunity to discuss their countries’ programs with regard to advancing women’s
         rights in the hemisphere, and ask questions regarding CIM’s programmatic outline for the two years. Of
         those countries who offered commentary, all reiterated their assurances of support to the work of the
         Commission in the biennial.                  Full Press Release

         November 19, 2008
          On November 19, 2008 at OAS Headquarters in Washington, D.C., the Minister of Foreign Affairs of
          Spain, Miguel Angel Moratinos, joined OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza, to sign the 2009
          Operative Plan for the Spanish Fund of the OAS. For the 2009 fiscal year, the Spanish Government has
          generously reaffirmed its cooperation with the General Secretariat with a contribution to the Spanish
          Fund of US$13.5 million, an increase of over US$3 million from the previous year.

          The Spanish Fund of the OAS, established in 2006, was designed to strengthen collaboration between
          Spain and the OAS in the areas of democracy, security, human prosperity and integral development,
          as well as to support reinforcement of the institutional and human resources of the OAS General
          Secretariat. Contributions to the Spanish Fund are made annually to the General Secretariat, and are
          distributed to the various technical areas on the programmatic basis.          Photo Gallery

         January 23, 2009
         On January 23, 2009, OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza met with the Ambassador of
         Luxembourg to the United States, and Permanent Observer to the OAS, Jean-Paul Senninger. The
         Secretary General and Ambassador Senninger met to discuss Luxembourg's cooperation with the OAS,
         and explored ways to advance this relationship in the coming years.          Photo Gallery

         November 17, 2008
          On November 17, OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza met with Ambassador Alexandros
          Mallias, Permanent Observer of Greece to the OAS. Secretary General Insulza and Ambassador Mallias
          discussed Greek cooperation in the Americas and with the OAS. The Greek ambassador expressed his
          intention to strengthen Greek cooperation with the Organization and in the Americas. He was
          particularly interested in learning of the OAS perspective on challenges in the region, and concluded
          the meeting by offering his congratulations to the OAS Secretary General on the achievements of his
          OAS administration in strengthening democracy, human rights, security and promoting integral
          development in the Americas. Recently, Greece announced its intentions to finance programs of the
          Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD).          Photo Gallery

         November 14, 2008
          From November 10 to 14 2008, Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States
          (OAS), Ambassador Albert Ramdin, and the Director of International Affairs, Dr. Irene Klinger, traveled
          to Europe to meet with governmental officials in an effort to establish priorities for strengthening
         collaboration with the OAS.

         In London, the OAS delegation met with Parliament Member, Gillian Merron, Permanent Under-
         Secretary of State of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, in addition to 15 ambassadors from Latin
         American and the Caribbean at a gathering hosted by the Colombian Ambassador to the United
         Kingdom Noemi Sanín.

         Similarly, Assistant Secretary General Ramdin delivered the keynote speech at the conference “Making
         Trade Work for Development in Latin America,” that took place at the Chatham House, an
         internationally renowned think tank. High level officials and experts attended the event in which Ramdin
         talked about new approaches to trade policy in the Americas.

         In Netherlands, OAS officials also attended the three-day “Global Forum on Leadership for Shared
         Societies: Building a world safe for difference,” hosted by the Club de Madrid in Rotterdam,
         Netherlands. The delegation also met with Ambassador Joke Brandt, Deputy Director of International
         Cooperation for the Ministry of Development Cooperation, to discuss opportunities for collaboration in
         the areas of fragile states, economic distribution and growth, environmental sustainability, and women’s

         The meeting was viewed as largely successful in advancing support from the Foreign Ministry of the
         Netherlands to OAS activities in the areas of democracy and human rights.       Press Release

         November 3, 2008
         On November 3, 2008, OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, met with Italian Ambassador to the
         United States and Permanent Observer to the OAS, Ambassador Giovanni Castellaneta. Ambassador
         Castellaneta and Secretary General Insulza discussed Italy's ongoing collaboration with the
         Organization, including the country's continued commitment to the OAS Action Against Antipersonnel
         Mines Program (AICMA) through the Secretariat for Multidimensional Security. The meeting between the
         two representatives took place just days following an announcement made by the Government of Italy
         to contribute over €200,000 to various OAS programs in the region.       
         Photo Gallery

         October 23, 2008
         On October 23, 2008, the OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, received a visit from Regina
         Veronica Maria Jones-Bos, the current Permanent Observer of the Netherlands to the OAS and
         Ambassador of the Netherlands to the United States. Secretary General Insulza took the opportunity to
         congratulate Ambassador Jones-Bos on her recent appointment of Permanent Observer and welcomed
         her to the Organization. The two spoke about various topics on the inter-American agenda, including an
         exchange on cooperation between the Netherlands and the OAS. The Secretary General spoke to the
         historically strong degree of cooperation between the Netherlands and the OAS, noting that the
         Netherlands was the first country to contribute to the OAS Misión de Apoyo al Proceso de Paz en
         Colombia (MAPP/OEA) program. Secretary General Insulza added the support of the Netherlands to
         OAS programs is highly valued, but also addressed the challenges the Organization is facing in terms of
         implementation of its mandates, and appealed to the Ambassador for stronger collaboration.       
         Photo Gallery
         Press Release


         October 23, 2008

         On October 23, 2008, OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza welcomed to OAS Headquarters,
         Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the United States and current
         Permanent Observer to the OAS. Secretary General Insulza offered his congratulations to the
         Ambassador for his recent appointment to the Embassy of Russia in the United States and as Permanent
         Observer to the Organization. Ambassador Kislyak and the Secretary General discussed the various
         commercial relationships Russia shares with countries in the region, and spoke of ways to strengthen
         the capacity of Latin America to compete in the global market. Secretary General Insulza discussed the
         work of the Organization and Russia’s collaboration with the OAS as Permanent Observer. He
         emphasized the desire for Russia to become more involved in the work of the Organization and
         underscored the necessity for increased cooperation between the country and the OAS.         
         Photo Gallery
         Press Release

         October 21, 2008

         On October 14, His Royal Highness Prince Mired bin Ra'ad bin Zeid al-Hussein of Jordan visited OAS
         headquarters in his capacity as President of the Eighth Meeting of the States Parties (8MSP) to the
         Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Antipersonnel
         Landmines and on their Destruction. During a breakfast meeting with the OAS Secretary General José
         Miguel Insulza, Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin, Member States and Permanent Observers,
         the Prince offered his congratulations for its ongoing work in the area of demining and stressed the
         importance of continued cooperation on this effort by both Member States and Permanent Observers.
         Secretary General Insulza took the opportunity to highlight the achievements of the OAS Program
         against Antipersonnel Landmines and concluded by extending his gratitude to the donor countries,
         including Permanent Observers: Denmark, the European Union, France, Italy, Japan, Korea, Norway,
         Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

         Press Release (Español)
         Photo Gallery

           October 15, 2008           On October 15, 2008, the OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, met with the Permanent
          Observer of Bulgaria to the OAS, Ambassador Elena Borislavova Poptodorova. The two discussed
          Bulgaria's role in the Organization as Permanent Observer, current events in the Western Hemisphere
          and engaged in dialogue on strengthening the relationship between the Organization and Bulgaria.              Photo Gallery

           October 14, 2008           On October 14, 2008 Benin has been granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of
          American States, pursuant to General Assembly resolution AG/RES. 50 (I-O/71) and resolution
          CP/RES.945 (1666/08) of the Permanent Council.        

           October 14, 2008           On October 14, 2008 Iceland has been granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization
          of American States, pursuant to General Assembly resolution AG/RES. 50 (I-O/71) and resolution       
          CP/RES.944 (1666/08) of the Permanent Council.       

           October 10, 2008          On October 10, the OAS Permanent Council held a Protocolary Meeting to commemorate "The
         Discovery of  the Americas: Encounter of Two Worlds." The event was held to honor the 1492 discovery
         of the Americas  by Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus, and featured insights by members of the
         Permanent Council and others on the evolution of the Americas since its discovery by the Spanish in the
         fifteenth century.           Photo Gallery

           October 9, 2008          On October 9, Assistant Secretary General, Albert Ramdin, received a courtesy visit from the
         Permanent Observer from the United Kingdom to the OAS, Ambassador Dominick Chilcott. The two
         discussed the United Kingdom's role as Permanent Observer with the Organization and worked to
         discover additional areas of mutual collaboration.           Photo Gallery

           September 24, 2008           Mr. Stefano Sannino, Director for Latin America of the European Commission met on September 24,
          2008 with OAS Assistant Secretary General, Ambassador Albert Ramdin and Ambassador Suzanne
          Laporte, Secretary for External Relations of the OAS, to strengthen cooperation between the European
          Union and the Organization of Americas States, and to identify areas for increased collaboration. Mr.
          Sannino was accompanied with Luc Veron, Minister Counselor and Head of Political and Development,
          Delegation of the European Commission in US and Despina Manos Advisor Political & Development
          Delegation of the European Commission to the US. The delegation also took the opportunity to meet
          with the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights, the Secretary for
          Multidimensional Security and the Secretariat for Political Affairs to discuss OAS work in those areas.

          During the meeting, it was suggested that the two entities develop a framework agreement in areas
          agreed to by both parties in order to achieve more harmonious and effective collaboration. In addition,
          the representatives discussed the opportunity for development of a program of exchange of technical
          expertise between the EU and OAS on their approaches to confronting regional challenges as a
          potential mechanism for increased cooperation to strengthen the work of both organizations.           Photo Gallery

             August 22, 2008            On August 22, the Secretary General met with the Foreign Advisor to the President of the Republic of
           Serbia, Mr. Jovan Ratkovic. He was accompanied by Vladimir Petrovic, Charge d'Affaires of the
           Embassy of the Republic of Serbia to the U.S. and Permanent Observer to the OAS as well as Jelena
           Cukic Matic, Counselor of the Embassy of Serbia to the US.

             August 4, 2008            On August 4, Assistant Secretary General welcomed the new Permanent Observer of Spain to the
           OAS, H.E. Ambassador Javier Sancho. Spain has held the status of Permanent Observer to the OAS
           since January 1972.           Photo Gallery

             July 21, 2008            On July 21 the OAS Secretary General welcomed French ambassadors Jean-Paul Dumont and Marie-
           France Pagnier to the OAS to discuss how the Permanent Observer and the Organization can benefit
           from strengthened cooperation on key issues impacting the hemisphere.            Photo Gallery

             July 18, 2008            On July 18, OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza welcomed the new Permanent Observer of the
           Nigeria to the OAS, Ambassador Babagana Wakil.           Photo Gallery

             June 26, 2008            At the request of the Permanent Mission of Peru (CP/doc.4322/08), a Special Permanent Council
           Meeting was held on June 26, 2008, at 10:30 a.m., in the Simón Bolívar Room at OAS
           Headquarters. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the recently approved "Rule of Return of    
           Illegal Immigrants" by the European Parliament. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Peru, Colombia as
           well as the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay addressed the Permanent Council on this
           complex issue. The Permanent Representatives of the OAS Member States also expressed their views
           on the impact of this directive, followed by remarks from the Permanent Representatives of the
           European Union and Slovenia.            Ambassador John Bruton, Permanent Observer of the European Union to the OAS, addressed his
          concern over the apprehension of the citizens of the Americas regarding the new directive. He noted
          that the regulation does not criminalize migration, but rather seeks to help the EU better regulate both
          illegal and legal migration. He concluded by underscoring the necessity for comprehensive immigration
          reform in order to develop more appropriate safeguards against the exploitation of illegal immigrants.          Remarks by Ambassador John Bruton, Permanent Observer of the European Union to the OAS          Press Releases:
                   OAS Permanent Council to Discuss Immigration Law Passed by European Union
                   Insulza Rejects European Measures against Immigrants
                   La OEA decide enviar una misión de alto nivel a la Unión Europea para discutir implicancias de la
                   nueva normativa migratoria (Español)          Resolutions:
                   OAS Action on the European Union's Returns Directive on Migration Issues (English)
                   Acción de la OEA sobre la Directiva de Retorno de la Unión Europea en materia migratoria
                   (Español)             Photo Gallery 

             June 25, 2008            On June 25, the OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, met with the Ambassador of Italy to the
           United States, Giovanni Castellaneta. The two leaders met to discuss areas of mutual interest between
           the OAS and Italy and ways in which the Organization and Government of Italy could strengthen its
           collaboration. Italy is one of the oldest Observers to the OAS, and has been accredited the status since
           May 17, 1972.          Photo Gallery

             June 24, 2008            The OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, presented to the Permanent Council on June 24,
           2008, the Eleventh Report of the Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia (MAPP/OAS). This
           report gives an assessment to the current situation in Colombia, provides recommendations and states
           its conclusion about the process thus far. The Secretary General, as well as Colombia's Permanent
           Representative to the OAS thanked Member States as well as the Permanent Observer countries who
           have helped finance the Mission, and expressed their strong desire to move ahead with the peace
           process.                  Eleventh Quarterly Report of the Secretary General to the Permanent Council on the Mission to
           Support the Peace Process in Colombia (MAPP/OEA) (English)

             June 17, 2008            On June 17, the Government of Italy pledged its support to OAS projects in the areas of: Action
           Against Antipersonnel Mines and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. The total 282,000
           Euros will go to support humanitarian demining, education and technical equipment in the Cordillera
           del Condor (between Peru and Ecuador), Colombia, and Nicaragua; in addition, over 75,000 Euros will
           fund will be allocated to strengthening justice through the Inter-American Commission on Human
           Rights.           Press Release

             June 1, 2008            On June 1 and June 3, the Department of International Affairs of the Secretariat for External Relations
           will host the Dialogue between the Heads of Delegation, the OAS Secretary General and the Heads of 
           Delegation of the Permanent Observer Countries at the XXXVIII Regular Session of the OAS General
           Assembly in Medellín, Colombia.            2008 Dialogue           June 1
           Draft Annotated Order of Business June 1 (English)
           Draft Orden del Día Anotado 1 de junio (Español)

           June 3
           Draft Annotated Order of Business June 3 (English)
           Draft Orden del Día Anotado 3 de junio (Español)
                      Draft Information Bulletin (English)
           Draft Buletín Informativo (Español)  

             May 22, 2008            On May 22, 2008, the OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, welcome the Prime Minister of
           Aruba, Nelson Oduber to OAS Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Aruba, a country within the Kingdom
           of the Netherlands, is situated just off the coast of South America near Venezuela. Secretary General
           Insulza and Prime Minister Oduber used the opportunity to discuss developments in the Latin American
           region, in general, and more specifically updates with regard to the Colombia-Ecuador situation.
                   Photo Gallery

             May 13, 2008            On May 13, 2008, Secretary General José Miguel Insulza; Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin;
           the Permanent Representative of Colombia to the OAS, Camilo Ospina; Director of the Secretariat for
           External Relations, Suzanne Laporte; and, Director of the Department of International Affairs, Irene
           Klinger, met with representatives from the Permanent Observer countries to discuss their role in the
           upcoming 38th General Assembly to be held in Medellín, Colombia from June 1-3. The Permanent
           Observers will take part in a dialogue with the Secretary General and Heads of Delegation of the OAS
           Member States on June 1, and are invited to attended various meetings and functions throughout the
           General Assembly.
                   Photo Gallery

             May 13, 2008            On May 13, 2008, the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, José Miguel Insulza,
           met with the Permanent Observer of Russia to the OAS, Yuri V. Ushakov. The Russian Federation has
           been a Permanent Observer to the OAS since April 1, 1992.            Photo Gallery

             May 9, 2008            On May 9, 2008 Iceland was been granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of
           American States, pursuant to General Assembly resolution AG/RES. 50 (I-O/71) and resolution
           CP/RES. 936 (1650/08) of the Permanent Council.   

           April 28, 2008            From April 28, OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza met with the Permanent Observer of
           Denmark to the OAS, Friis Arne Peterson to discuss ongoing cooperation between the Organization and
           the Observer country.            Photo Gallery

           June 1, 2008            From June 3-5, Heads of Delegation from the OAS Member States will participate in the XXXVIII
           Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly being held in Medellín, Colombia. On June 1, a dialogue
           will take place between the Heads of Delegation, the OAS Secretary General and the Heads of
           Delegation of the Permanent Observer countries. More information will be made available in the
           coming weeks. The dialogue will revolve around the topic of this year's General Assembly: "Youth and
           Democratic Values."

           March 25, 2008            On March 25, OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza forwarded to the Permanent Council for its
           approval the request of His Excellency Ingibjorg Solrun Gisladottir, Minister for Foreign Affairs of
           Iceland, to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States. For
           its part, Iceland's foreign policy objectives fully support the efforts of the OAS in strengthening
           cooperation on democratic values, promoting human rights, fostering the environment and sustainable
          development, as well as advancing fair trade and confronting shared problems such as poverty,
          terrorism and corruption.

           March 20, 2008            On March 20, OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza met with the Permanent Observer of
           Norway, Wegger Chr. Strommen.            Photo Gallery                  

           March 17, 2008            The OAS hosts Ministers of Foreign Affairs for Meeting of Consultations           On March 5, the OAS Permanent Missions and some Permanent Observers met to discuss the situation
           between Colombia and Ecuador that took place on March 1, 2008. On March 17, the Missions and
           Observers reconvened to receive the report of the report of the Commission headed by the Secretary
           General regarding these events.            Press Advisory
           Press Release
           Permanent Council Resolution RC.25/REST.1/08: Resolution of the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of          
           Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs
           Resolución de la Vigésimo Quinta Reunión de Consulta de Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores (Spanish)
           Report of the OAS Commission that Visited Ecuador and Colombia

           March 5, 2008            The Permanent Observers participate in the Special Meeting to treat the Situation
           between Colombia and Ecuador
           On March 5, the Permanent Observers participated along with delegations from the OAS Member
           States in the Special Meeting convened by the OAS Permanent Council seeking to resolve the
           situation between Colombia and Ecuador that took place on March 1, 2008. The Permanent Observers
           engaged in dialogue with the OAS representatives, actively seeking to help the OAS delegations seek
           a resolution to this matter.            Press Release
           Permanent Council Resolution 930 (1632/08): Convocation of the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers
           of Foreign Affairs and Appointment of a Commission
           Videos from the Special Meeting

           March 7, 2008            Statement by the Government of Morocco at the Eighth Regular Session of the Inter-
           American Committee Against Terrorism

           February 19, 2008            On February 19, OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin met with Gerhard Enver
          Schrömbgens, Director for Latin American and Caribbean in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany.            Photo Gallery

        February 14, 2008            On February 14, OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza and Dante Caputo, Undersecretary for
           Political Affairs, met with French Foreign and European Affairs Minister, Bernard Koucher, and Foreign
           Affairs and Human Rights Secretary, Rama Yade, in Paris to discuss issues pertaining to the Americas.
           On  the agenda for the meeting included discussions regarding the ongoing process of a humanitarian
           agreement with the FARC, the situation in Haiti, human rights and the efforts to combat drug

           Press Release (from French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs)

February 4, 2008

Breakfast between the Secretary General and Permanent Observers:" Assessing the Americas"

On February 4, OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza met with more than 40 representatives from the Permanent Observer countries in a breakfast organized by the Department of International Affairs. The breakfast was an opportunity for the Secretary General to assess the situation in the Americas as well as express gratitude on behalf of the Organization of American States to the Permanent Observer countries for their continued support to OAS programs. The Secretary General spoke at the breakfast with the underlying theme of continued cooperation between the Permanent Observers and the OAS. He gave an overview of the situation in the Americas and addressed issues of economic growth and challenges affecting the region. Additionally, the Secretary General spoke of poverty and inequality, organized crime, drugs and human trafficking, political change, issues regarding regional integration, free markets and constitutional reforms of Bolivia and Ecuador. The breakfast also provided a forum for open dialogue between the Secretary General and the participating representatives on concerns and issues impacting the hemisphere. Invitation
Fact Sheet on Permanent Observer Contributions
Press Release Spanish- English
Photo Gallery

          January 22, 2008           On January 22, OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza received Ferenc Somogyi, Permanent
          Observer of Hungary to the OAS.          Photo Gallery

            December 4, 2007             On December 4, OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza met with the Ambassador of Kazakhstan,
          Erlan Idrissov.           Photo Gallery

            November 26, 2007             On November 26, the Permanent Representative of Spain to the OAS opened a photography exhibition
          to be displayed in the OAS historic headquarters in Washington, D.C.           Photo Gallery

            October 26, 2007            OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, attended the inauguration of Spain's new mission to the
         OAS. Minister of Foreign Affairs Miguel Angel Moratinos unveiled a commemorative plaque.          Photo Gallery

October 12, 2007   His Majesty, the King of Spain, has decided to honor Irene Klinger, Director of the Department of International Affairs, for her outstanding work in the international  arena. Mrs. Klinger was given this award at a ceremony today on the occasion of the anniversary of the Discovery of the Americas, which took place after the 11:30 protocolary session in the Patio tropical. Photo Gallery

       October 12, 2007            On October 12, Sweden's Permanent Observer to the OAS, Ambassador Jonas Hafstrom, made his first
         official visit to the Organization. At this time, Ambassador Hafstrom met with Secretary General José
         Miguel Insulza, to discuss a range of issues of mutual interest between Sweden and the Organization.
         Sweden has held been a Permanent Observer to the OAS since 1996.          Photo Gallery

                     August 17, 2007 OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with Permanent Observer of China to the OAS, Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong, on the occasion of Shangai World Exhibition. Photo Gallery

        August 10, 2007
         Assistant Secretary General, Albert R. Ramdin, meets with the Alternate Permanent Observer of China
         to the OAS, Ambassador Wei Quiang at OAS Headquarters in Washington, D.C.         Photo Gallery

         June 3, 2007          Hours before the inauguration of the 37th annual General Assembly in Panama City, Panama, member  
         state heads of delegation met with the Permanent Observers.         Photo Gallery

June 3-5, 2007In the framework of the Regular Session of the XXXVII OAS General Assembly, the Department of External Relations coordinated the Dialogue between the Heads of Delegations of the OAS Member States and the Heads of Delegations of the Permanent Observer Countries. Among issues discussed is the theme of the General Assembly: “Energy for Development.”   Draft Order of business
Draft Annotated Order of business

Orden del día tentativo
Orden del día anotado tentativo

         May 25, 2007          OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza met with a high-level Swedish delegation at OAS
         Headquarters in Washington, D.C.          Photo Gallery

          May 24, 2007
          OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza met with Spain's Secretary of State for Ibero-America,
          Trinidad Jiménez, under the auspice of the Twentieth Lecture Series of the Americas.
          Photo Gallery


          May 17, 2007
          OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza participated in a forum entitled "Diálogos sobre Incidencia
          de los organismos políticos regionales en la gobernabilidad y seguridad jurídica en Iberoamérica" at
          the Istituto Internacional in Madrid, Spain as part of a cycle of dialogues put forth by Obra Social "la
          Caixa" and New York University's King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center.
          Place: Instituto Internacional; Madrid, Spain

          Photo Gallery


May 15, 2007 A luncheon was hosted by Dr. Chong Keon Kim, Chairman of the Korea-Central America & Caribbean Economic Council, in the Aranjuez Private Banquet Room of the Taberna del Alabardero Restaurant. Ambassador Albert Ramdin as well as other OAS Permanent Representatives and officials participated in this event. The purpose of this luncheon was to discuss matters of mutual interest in regards to the Hemisphere and to provide an opportunity for Dr. Kim to continue his personal relationship with the OAS.

May 10, 2007 OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin met with diplomats from the Netherlands at OAS Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Photo Gallery

May 8, 2007 Secretary General José Miguel Insulza received a courtesy visit from Ambassador Dominique Struye de Swielande, Permanent Observer of Belgium to the OAS.
Place: OAS Building - Washington, DC Photo Gallery

May 7, 2007
Ambassador João de Vallera of Portugal presented his credentials to be Portugal's Permanent Observer to the OAS to Secretary General José Miguel Insulza at OAS Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Photo Gallery

May 1, 2007
OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin met with an Israeli diplomatic delegation at OAS Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Photo Gallery

April 9, 2007
OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert R. Ramdin received the Permanent Observer of the United Kingdom, Ambassador Alan Charlton.
Place: OAS Building - Washington, DC Photo Gallery

March 30, 2007
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza received a courtesy visit from Egypt's Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Americas, Hatem Seif El-Nasr. Photo Gallery

March 29, 2007
On Thursday, March 29, the Secretary General of the OAS, José Miguel Insulza welcomed at OAS Headquarters the Chinese delegation headed by the Deputy Mayor of Shanghai, Yang Xiong. The World Exposition Shanghai China 2010 is a large scale, global, non-commercial Expo and the motto is “Better City, Better Life.”  The Expo aims to promote the exchange of ideas and development of the world economy, culture, science and technology, to allow exhibitors to publicize and display their achievements and improve international relationships. Accordingly, the World Expo, with its more than 150-year history is regarded as the Olympic Games of the economy, science and technology of the world. The first World Expo took place in London in 1851. The Chinese delegation that visited the OAS also comprised other members of the Organizing Committee, including Hua Junduo , Zhou Hanmin, Xu Bo, Dai Minmin, Si Yan and Bob.H.Dong.

Speech by HUA Junduo, Commissioner General of Expo 2010.

March 28, 2007
Secretary General José welcomed a visit by the Norwegian Delegation at OAS Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Photo Gallery

March 28, 2007
On Wednesday, March 28, the Permanent Observer of China to the OAS, Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong, hosted a luncheon in honor of the Deputy Mayor of Shanghai and Chairman of the World Expo 2010. Ambassador Albert Ramdin, Assistant Secretary General of the OAS and the Director of the Department of External Relations, Irene Klinger, attended the luncheon on behalf of the OAS, among other OAS officials.

Speech at the Expo 2010 Promotion Reception, by YANG Xiong

March 27, 2007
The Director General for Bilateral Political Affairs in Turkey's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vefahan Ocak  met with OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert R. Ramdin at OAS headquarters.
Photo Gallery

March 22, 2007
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza received a courtesy visit from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Elmar Maharram Mammadyarov, whose country has been an OAS Permanent Observer since 2001.
Photo Gallery

February 22, 2007

Visit by Korean Delegation

The Department of External Relations coordinated the visit to the OAS of a high-level delegation of the Government of Korea which met with the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, José Miguel Insulza. On this occasion, the Secretary General reiterated the importance of strengthening relations with countries from other regions of the world and thanked Korea for the support it has provided to the OAS since becoming a permanent observer in 1981. The delegation was headed by Byung-kil Han, Director General for the Latin American Affairs Bureau in Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, who extended an invitation to the Secretary General to visit that country sometime this year. He also expressed his intention to continue supporting cooperation projects that benefit the Americas.
Photo Gallery

November 30, 2006Secretary General José Miguel Insulza met in Madrid, Spain with Spanish Defense Minister José Antonio Alonso Suárez. Photo Gallery


November 27, 2006
Donato Di Santo, Deputy Foreign Minister of Italy, visited OAS Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Photo Gallery

May 24, 2006
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza received a visit from the Permanent Observer of the United Kingdom, Alan Charlton. Photo Gallery

March 30, 2006
The Ambassador of the Holy See presented his credentials to OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza at OAS Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Photo Gallery

March 8, 2006
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza met with Gustavo Manuel de Arístegui y San Román, spokesman for the Popular Party in the Foreign Affairs Committee of Spain's House of Representatives. Photo Gallery

March 2, 2006
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza welcomed His Excellency Ambassador Joseph Weyland, Permanent Observer of Luxembourg to the OAS. Photo Gallery