
In 2002 the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICD) established a mechanism to evaluate projects financed by the Special Multilateral Fund for grant assistance to technical cooperation projects ("FEMCIDI"), aiming to "contribute to strengthening the process of development cooperation in the framework of CIDI (Inter-America Council for Integral Development)".

The project evaluations provide an objective assessment of each project, specifically regarding the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency in the execution of each project, as well as the sustainability of the results achieved. Evaluations also identify valuable lessons and best practices that can be applied to improve the design and execution of FEMCIDI - financed projects. An additional and important benefit of this process is the transparency obtained through the publication of results and of the use of cooperation funds.

The evaluated projects are selected according to the executed amount, sector area, and geographical region. Efforts are made to evaluate all projects that executed over US $100,000 and also include a sample of projects representing all sectors and geographical regions of FEMCIDI's financed projects.

The tables below list all the evaluation reports completed to date, grouped by evaluation cycle, starting with the most recent, and, within each cycle, in alphabetical order of coordinating country.

To access a project's evaluation report, select the year on the menu on the right.