Protected Area Assessment Capacity Building and Classification of Socio-Economic Threats for Freshwater Systems

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Submitted by: The Nature Conservancy, Mesoamerican and Caribbean Conservation Region


In order to facilitate the use of geospatial data for protected area (PA) planning and promote new techniques for effective long-term conservation, the Mesoamerica & Caribbean Science Program has used funds from the Development Grant Facility (DGF) Year 2 project in cooperation with the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) with internal co-financing support from The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to:

a) Enhance and refine the GIS-based PA Gap Decision-Support System (DSS) based on user needs;

b) Develop a comprehensive tutorial in English and Spanish and sample datasets for the PA Gap DSS;

c) Conduct a series of trainings on the use of the PA DSS throughout the region and communicate awareness of the tools through public presentations and outreach efforts;

d) Model socio-economic threats to freshwater, marine, and terrestrial systems in Central America and the Caribbean based on agriculture and urban cells accumulated within 30m SRTM-derived watersheds.


  • Assessment Capacity Building and Classification of Socio-Economic Threats for Freshwater Systems - Assessment Capacity Building and Classification of Socio-Economic Threats for Freshwater Systems