First IABIN Council Meeting - October 6-7, 1997, Washington, DC, United States
Miami, Florida, December 13-14, 1999
Creation of IABIN

Sharing biological information is a prerequisite to sustainable development. It is necessary for sound decision making about the use, conservation, and study of natural resources. Much information exists concerning the extent and condition of biological diversity across the Americas, but locating, identifying, and gaining access to that information is often difficult. Acceptance of the need for greater coordination of biological information efforts has been growing over many years, resulting in proposals to establish networks that will work for consensus among all relevant parties on how to communicate and share biological information. The Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) is a result of those efforts.

The network's objective is to increase the amount of and access to useful information for decision-makers, scientists, and the public. This requires some degree of consistency in how information is collected and communicated; that information directories be established; that basic information resources like species lists and remote sensing materials be developed collaboratively or using agreed-upon standards for compatibility; that priority information needs be identified and sources to meet those needs be identified or, if not available, be developed; and that gaps in access to regional information infrastructure and technology be addressed. Many biodiversity and sustainable development issues are regional in nature and can best be addressed cooperatively with a common baseline of knowledge and understanding. By creating a regional framework for increased coherence and more efficient dissemination of biodiversity information, IABIN will increase the value of all countries' information investments.

IABIN is an initiative of the countries of the Americas aimed at promoting compatible means of collection, communication, and exchange of biodiversity information relevant to decision-making and education.

Meeting documents: