Sustainable Energy


Caribbean Sustainable Energy Program (CSEP)


Small island developing states (SIDS) in the Caribbean face unique challenges associated with the generation and use of energy. Most Caribbean island-nations depend almost exclusively on imported petroleum for their energy needs, especially for electricity generation and transportation. This high level of dependence leaves these countries vulnerable to the volatile fluctuation of international oil prices and results in a tremendous drain on the capital available for imports. In addition, Caribbean islands are particularly vulnerable to the environmental impacts associated with fossil fuel consumption, such as sea level rise and the increased strength and frequency of hurricanes.


Since its inception in 2008, CSEP has brought together government representatives from seven Caribbean States in efforts to reach the top of the Caribbean islands’ national agendas and improve market conditions for the development and use of renewable energy and energy efficiency systems, given the fact that the islands have a particular vulnerability arising from their dependency on imported fuels and the concomitant local and global environmental damage caused by fuel generation.

The two core categories are:

  1. Establish sustainable energy goals/targets through the adoption of national energy policies (NEPs) and/or sustainable energy plans (SEPs),
  2. Support the implementation of activities that address specific challenges or barriers as outlined in national NEP(s)/SEP(s).

Participating Countries

Antigua and Barbuda, the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Country Outcomes

National Energy Policies Antigua and Barbuda: National Energy Policy Antigua and Barbuda: National Energy Policy Dominica: National Energy Policy Grenada: National Energy Policy Saint Kitts and Nevis: National Energy Policy Saint Lucia: National Energy Policy
National Energy Plans Antigua and Barbuda: National Energy Plan Dominica: National Energy Plan Saint Kitts and Nevis: National Energy Plan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: National Energy Policy
Geothermal Resource Development Bills Grenada: Geothermal Resource Development Bill Saint Lucia: Geothermal Resource Development Bill Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Geothermal Resource Development Bill

Regional Outcomes

Energy Policy and Sector Analysis in the Caribbean 2010-2011
Energy Policy and
Sector Analysis
Energy Efficiency Guidelines for Office Buildings in Tropical Climates
EE Guidelines
for Buildings
The Financiers’ Guide to Sustainable Energy Lending in the Caribbean
Financiers' Guide
to SE Lending
Final Report on the Implementation of the National Energy Audit Initiative
Final Report on
Energy Audits
The Caribbean Educator's Guide to Sustainable Energy Education and Awareness
Educator's Guide to
SE Education
Teachers' Resources Booklet for Integrated Instruction in Sustainable Energy (Grades 5-7)
Teachers' Booklet
Integrated instruction
Learn & Save
Learn and Save
Booklet for students

Meetings and Conferences

Title Date Place
CSEP Closing Meeting September 24, 2013 Bridgetown, Barbados
First National Sustainable Energy Awareness Workshop for Educators in the Bahamas August 21-22, 2013 Nassau, The Bahamas
Regional Workshop on Energy Efficient Designs for Office and Public Buildings in Tropical Climates February 28- March 1, 2013 Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia
Consultation and Workshop for Financiers: Financing Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean November 26-27, 2012 Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia
Caribbean Sustainable Energy Program: 2012 Project Review Workshop October 15, 2012 San Juan, Puerto Rico
Second Regional Sustainable Energy Awareness Workshop for Educators in the Caribbean September 10-14, 2012 Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis


Carolina Peña, email: [email protected]

For further information, please visit the CSEP website.