
Given the context and spirit of the Bolivia Summit, and the practical need to engage a broad group of officials and experts, the network will be open to membership by all officials and experts interested in environmental law, compliance and enforcement – both lawyers and other professionals. Membership will include a space for governmental (including national and sub-national legislative, executive and judiciary as well as international and inter-governmental members), non-governmental (non-profit and academic) and private sector (for profit) members.

In order to assure objective and open criteria for membership, all government and legislative officials designated by their governments will be offered membership. In addition, all professionals who have worked in environmental law, policy or related fields for five or more years will be welcomed as members. In order to encourage the development of expertise and the integration of younger and less experienced members, a special "young professionals" category will exist for professionals who are licensed or formally trained in environmental law, policy or related fields but who have not yet worked the requisite five years. Finally, a student member category will exist to foster further interest in the field of environmental law and policy and to promote relevant education and training of specialists. Consistent with the goal of open participation, membership should be coordinated as much as possible to assure regional balance and to avoid disproportional representation by any one sector.