What is FIDA?

FIDA was conceived by Heads of State and Governments at the 1996 Summit of the Americas for Sustainable Development in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, as a hemispheric network of officials and experts in environmental law, enforcement and compliance in coordination with the Organization of American States to exchange knowledge and experiences in environmental law. FIDA also serves as a focal point for cooperative efforts to develop and strengthen environmental laws, policies and institutions, to promote compliance, and to facilitate training and capacity building in environmental law, compliance and enforcement.

FIDA was officially established by resolution CIDI/RES. 66 (IV-O/99) of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development. The Department of Sustainable Development  (DSD) of the Organization serves as its official Secretariat, further to resolution CIDI/CIDS/Res. 4 (11-0/99), of the Inter-American Committee on Sustainable Development.


  • Oxford Yearbook on International Environmental Law