Caribbean Emergency Legislation Project

The activities of this component will support the development of recommendations to improve the legal and institutional frameworks related to state of emergency, and budget appropriation and execution in emergency situations by: (a) analyzing the existing legal and institutional frameworks in the countries; (b) conducting a comparative analysis of these frameworks in other regions; and (c) identifying best practices and formulating recommendations to revise state of emergency legislation and administrative procedures. The expected outcome from the execution of these activities is that needs will be identified and recommendations made to improve legal and institutional frameworks during a state of emergency.          

Request for Proposals 

The DSD from May 1 to 30, 2009 requested proposal to conduct technical studies of legal and institutional frameworks for Emergency Management in the Caribbean. RFP Activity 1.1 | RFP Activity 1.2 | RFP Activity 1.3

Submitted Proposals

  • Activity 1.1: Assessment of national legal and institutional frameworks related to state emergency and budget appropriation, including budget execution and procurement. More...     
  • Activity 1.2: Comparative analysis of international legal and institutional frameworks. More...   
  • Activity 1.3: Identification of best practices and recommendations for improving national and international legal-institutional frameworks. More...