Inventory on Payment for Environmental Services   

The DSD launched an Inventory on Payments for Environmental Services with the objective of cataloguing transactions and projects intended to support Payments for Environmental Systems (PES), with an emphasis on those programs underway in the Hemisphere.

The inventory includes:


1. The definition of different PES systems and other conservation tools (e.g. debt-for-nature swaps);


2. A compilation of recent PES transactions, including different programs in the following areas: a) watershed protection; b)carbon sequestration; and c) biodiversity conservation;


3. A list of organizations and experts working on Payments for Environmental Services; and


4. Links to relevant documents regarding PES systems, schemes and transactions.


The inventory has been updated on a regular basis, identifying practical lessons regarding PES systems that can be replicated. It will complement other work within the Department, including examining the role of valuation in relation to PES systems of relevance to the financial community.