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Actualizado: 2 de Diciembre de 2015/Last Update: December 2, 2015Clasificación/Classification, OEA/Ser.W/XIII.2.4 |
Título/ Title |
Idioma/ Language |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/doc.2 /15 Rev. 1 | Agenda of the Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Sustainable Development within the Framework of CIDI | E I F P |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/doc.3 /15 Rev.2 | Schedule for the Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Sustainable Development in the framework CIDI | E I F P |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/doc.4 /15 Rev. 1 | Annotated Agenda for the Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Sustainable Development in the framework CIDI | E I F P |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/doc.6 /15 | Strategic framework for the Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS) | E I F P |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/doc.7 /15 | List of participants | E I |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/doc.8 /15 | Report of the Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Sustainable Development within the Framework of CIDI | E I F P |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/DEC.1/15 | Declaration of Tela for Sustainable Development in the Americas | E I F P |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/RES.1/15 | Thanks to the People and Government of Honduras | E I F P |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/Inf.1 /15 | Declaration of the “Youth United for Sustainable Development" | E |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/Inf.2 /15 | Advancing Towards Sustanible Development in the Americas, Hemispheric Rondtable with Representatives of Civil Society and Social Actors" | E |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/Inf.3 /15 | Welcome Remarks from H.E. Arturdo Corrales, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Honduras | E |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/Inf.4 /15 | Remarks By Ambassador Nestor Mendez, Assistant Secretary General Of The Organization Of American States | I |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/Inf.5 /15 | Sustainable Cities through Environmental Compliance and Enforcement | I |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/Inf.6 /15 | Sustainable Management of Ecosystems | E |
CIDI/RIMDS-III/Inf.7 /15 | National Observatory for Solid Waste Management | E |
Clasificación/Classification, OEA/Ser.W/XIII.2.4 |
Título/ Title |
Idioma/ Language |
CIDI/CIDS-IE/doc.7/1 | Order to consider the Draft Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS) (Agreed upon at the meeting held on June 29 and 30, 2015) | E I |
CIDI/CIDS-IE/doc.8/15 | Actions and dates for further consideration of the Draft Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS) (Agreed on June 30, 2015) | E I |
CIDI/RES.302 (XLVI-O/15) |
Convocation of the First Special Meeting of the Inter-American Committee for Sustainable Development” (Adopted at the XLVI regular meeting, held April 1st, 2015) | E I F P |
CIDI/CIDS-IE/doc.1/15 | Draft Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS) for the period of 2015 – 2030 | E I F P |
CIDI/CIDS-IE/doc.2/15 | Draft/ Proyecto de Temario |
E I F P |
CIDI/CIDS-IE/doc.3/15 | Draft Schedule/ Proyecto de Calendario |
E I F P |
CIDI/CIDS-IE/doc.9/15 | Proposals of text to the Draft Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS), received by the Secretariat as of August 10, 2015 (Compiled by the Department of Sustainable Development, base document CIDI/CIDS-IE/doc.1/15 Rev. 1) | E I |
CIDI/CIDS-IE/doc.10/15 | Queries and clarification requests made by delegations as of August 10, 2015, to the Draft Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS) (Reponses prepared by the Department of Sustainable Development) | E I |
Clasificación/Classification, OEA/Ser.W/XIII.2.4 |
Título/ Title |
Idioma/ Language |
CIDI/CIDS/doc.1/14 Rev. 2 CIDI04488 |
Calendario/Schedule | E I F P |
CIDI/CIDS/doc.2/14 CIDI04465 CIDI04468 Corr.1 |
“Construyendo una agenda de desarrollo sostenible post 2015 para las Américas” - Nota conceptual "Building a post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda for the Americas" - Concept Note |
E I F P |
CIDI/CIDS/doc.3/14 Rev.1 CIDI04489 |
Temario/Agenda | E I F P |
CIDI/CIDS/doc.4/14 Rev. 1 CIDI04490 |
Temario Anotado/Annoted Agenda | E I F P |
CIDI/CIDS/doc.5/14 CIDI04515 |
Lista de Participantes/List of Participants | TEXTUAL |
CIDI/CIDS/doc.6/14 CIDI04517 |
Solicitud de Comentarios de Los Estados Miembros: Hacia La Revisión y Actualización del Programa Interamericano Para el Desarrollo Sostenible (PIDS) | E I |
CIDI/CIDS/doc.7/14 CIDI04525 |
List of Documents/Lista de Documentos | TEXTUAL |
CIDI/CIDS/doc.8/14 CIDI04540 |
Informe Final de la IV Reunión de la CIDS/Final Report of the IV CIDS Meeting | E I F P |
CIDI/CIDS/doc.9/14 CIDI0444646 |
Informe Sobre la Implementación del Programa Interamericano Para El Desarrollo Sostenible (PIDS) 2010 – 2014/Report On The Implementation of The Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS) 2010 – 2014 | E I F P |
Clasificación/Classification, OEA/Ser.W/XIII.2.4 |
Título/ Title |
Idioma/ Language |
OEA/Ser.E-CVC/FV-12/15 | Advancing Towards Sustainable Development in the Americas (Report of the Virtual Consultation Forum held from June 8 to 19, 2015) | E I |
CIDI/CIDS-IE/INF.2/15 | H.E. Francis Contreras, Executive Secretary, National Council for Sustainable Development and Under Secretary in the Health Office of Honduras, Chair of the Inter-American Committee for Sustainable Development | E |
CIDI/CIDS-IE/INF.3/15 | H.E. Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States | E |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.1/14 CIDI04458 |
Presentación del Proyecto de Agenda y Proyecto de Agenda Anotada y candidatura de la Delegación de Honduras para reelección a la presidencia de la CIDS Presentation of Draft Agenda and Annoted Draft Agenda and Candidature of the Delegation of Honduras for Reelection to the Chairmanship of the CIDS |
E I |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.3/14 CIDI04469 CIDI04462 PDF |
Buena Gobernanza y Justicia Ambiental: Hacia una Agenda Inclusiva de Desarrollo Sostenible en las Américas Good Governance and Environmental Justice Towards an Inclusive Sustainable Development Agenda for the Americas |
E I F P |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.4/14 CIDI04474 CIDI04475 PDF |
Candidatura Presentada Por La Delegación De Argentina A La Segunda Vice-Presidencia de la Comisión Interamericana Para El Desarrollo Sostenible (CIDS) Candidacy Presented By The Delegation Of Argentina For Second Vice-Chair Of The Inter-American Committee On Sustainable Development (CIDS) |
E I |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.5/14 CIDI04491 |
Palabras de Bienvenida pronunciadas por el Secretario General Adjunto de la Organización de Estados Americanos, S.E. Albert Ramdin Welcoming Remarks by Assistant Secretary General of The Organization of American States, H.E. Albert Ramdin |
E I |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.6/14 CIDI04496 |
Discurso de Clausura pronunciadas por la Secretaria Ejecutiva para el Desarrollo Integral, V. Sherry Tross Closing Remarks by the Executive Secretary for Integral Development of the Organization of American States, V. Sherry Tross |
E I |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.7/14 CIDI04497 |
Discurso de Apertura pronunciadas por el Representante Permanente de Trinidad y Tobago ante la OEA y Presidente del Consejo Interamericano para el Desarrollo Integral, S.E. Embajador Neil Parsan Welcoming Remarks by the Permanent Representative of Trinidad and Tobago to the OAS Chair Of The Inter-American Council For Integral Development, H.E. Ambassador Neil Parsan |
E I |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.8/14 CIDI04499 |
Presentación del Viceministro Juan T. Monegro, Ministerio De Economía Planificación y Desarrollo de la República Dominicana, Sobre Los Compromisos Asumidos en la Declaración De Santo Domingo Para El Desarrollo Sostenible De Las Américas Sobre La CIDS Y La Revisión y Actualización Del PIDS | E I |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.9/14 CIDI04500 |
Presentación Del Documento Que Establece La Vinculación Con El Proceso De Cumbres De Las Américas (Presentado por S.E. Embajador Alfonso Quiñonez, Secretario de Relaciones Externas de la OEA) | E |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.10/14 CIDI04502 |
Palabras de Bienvenida del Secretario Ejecutivo, Consejo Nacional Para El Desarrollo Sostenible y Subsecretario en el Despacho de Salud De Honduras, S. E. Francis Contreras | E |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.11/14 CIDI04503 |
Presentación del Cronograma de Trabajo Para la Revisión del PIDS y Preparación para la Tercera Reunión de Ministros y Altas Autoridades Sobre Desarrollo Sostenible | E |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.12/14 CIDI04507 |
Presentación de Propuesta de Áreas Estratégicas de Acción Para el Programa Interamericano para el Desarrollo Sostenible (Presentado Por S.E. Francis Contreras Subsecretario de Estado En El Despacho De Salud Y Secretario Ejecutivo de Consejo Nacional De Desarrollo Sostenible (CONADES)) | E |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.13/14 CIDI04508 |
Presentación del Logotipo Para La III Reunión Interamericana De Ministros Altas Autoridades De Desarrollo Sostenible | E I |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.14/14 CIDI04511 |
Presentación del Video del Logotipo para la III Reunión Interamericana de Ministros Altas Autoridades De Desarrollo Sostenible | E |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.15/14 CIDI04512 |
Presentación de los Procesos de Revisión del PIDS y Preparación De La III Reunión de Ministros y Altas Autoridades Sobre Desarrollo Sostenible | E |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.16/14 CIDI04516 |
Presentación de La Sociedad Civil y Actores Sociales Clave (Presentado por Alejandra Goyenechea, representante de la Organización Defenders of Wildlife) | E |
CIDI/CIDS/inf.17/14 CIDI04524 CIDI04514 PDF |
Report on the Implementation of the Inter-American Program on Sustainable Development on the Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Sustainable Development, October 22-23,2014 | I |
CIDI/RES. 302 (XLVI-O/15) |
Resolution: “Convocation of the First Special Meeting of the Inter-American Committee for Sustainable Development” (Adopted at the XLVI regular meeting, held April 1st, 2015) Resolución: “Convocatoria de la Primera Reunión Extraordinaria para el Desarrollo Sostenible” (Adoptada durante la XLVI reunión ordinaria, celebrada el 1 de abril de 2015) |
E I F P |
CIDI/CIDS/doc.8/15 | Report on the IV Regular Meeting of the CIDS Informe de la IV Reunión Ordinaria de la CIDS |
E I F P |
CIDI/CIDS-IE/doc.2/15 Rev. 1 | Agenda for the First Special Meeting of the CIDS (Approved at the first plenary session, held June 29, 2015) | E I |
CIDI/CIDS-IE/doc.7/1 | Order to consider the Draft Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS) (Agreed upon at the meeting held on June 29 and 30, 2015) | E I |
CIDI/CIDS-IE/doc.8/15 | Actions and dates for further consideration of the Draft Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS) (Agreed on June 30, 2015) | E I |