Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI)

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Dialogue between social actors and high-ranked government officials in the VIII Summit of the Americas

Lima, Peru – April 12, 2018

On april 12th, during the VIII Summit of the Americas, took place the Dialogue between social actors and high-rancked government officlas, during which spokesmen of different coalitions, including organizations of the civil society, indigenous peoples, youth, private sector, worker's representatives and other social actors, expressed their stances over the theme of the Summit. Workers, grouped under the Trade Union Technical Advisory Council (COSATE) and the Union Confederation of the Americas (CSA), presented a Union Statement to the Summit, which was agreed upon during the Workers Coordination Meeting that took place on April 11th in office of the ILO in Lima. The spokesperson of the workers in the dialogue was Marta Pujadas, President of COSATE.

•  Lima Commitment

•  Union's Declaration