
Information Bulletin icon

Meeting Venue: Centro de Convenciones Expocentro icon
Col. Las Brisas, 22-24 calle, 1era-4ta Ave. N.E.
Apdo. Postal No. 14,
San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Click here for the Registration Form icon

Visa Information:
General requirements for entry into Honduras icon

Language and Work Documents

There will be simultaneous interpretation in the four languages of the OAS: English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.
Weather information on San Pedro Sula, Honduras icon
Local Time/Date

Electric current
-110 volts


Rate US$*

Hotel Real Intercontinentalicon

Lic. Sandra Bonilla
Coordinadora de Grupos / Elite Diamond Club
Email:[email protected]
Directo: + (504) 2545-2500 Ext. 287
Celular: + (504) 9461-7966

Standard: US$147
Executive: US$180

***Hotel Sede del Evento.

Hotel Princessicon

Lic. Linda Rovelo
Directora de Mercadeo y Ventas
Email: [email protected]
Tel. +(504) 2545-6900 
Celular:  +(504) 9964-3740
Carmen Villeda
Executive de Ventas 
Email: [email protected]
Tel. +(504) 2545-6900 ext. 2183
Celular: +(504) 9953-3955

Standard: US$139
Executive: US$169


Lic. Vilma Carranza
Jefe de Reservaciones 
Email: [email protected]
Tel. +(504) 2561- 8900 Ext. 2074

Standard: US$90

Hotel Cascada

Lic. Susana Ham
Gerente Hotel Cascadas
Email: [email protected]
Tel. +(504) 2564-0400
Fax +(504) 2564-0400

Standard: US$60

Las tarifas incluyen desayuno y acceso a Internet. No incluye el 16% de impuestos.