Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI)

Department of Economic Development 

Culture and Development

The main objective of the project: "Culture and Development : Promoting horizontal cooperation and exchange of knowledge between Member States" is to promote horizontal cooperation and knowledge sharing among OAS Member States. In order to build a stronger argument on how culture promotes social and economic development, good data must be collected, analyzed and then disseminated and discussed with different stakeholders such as policy makers; financing authorities and the general public

The main activities carried out in this project are:

* Online portfolio on successful practices: "Culture: common denominator for development"
The objective of this Portfolio is to promote initiatives that incorporate culture and arts as development strategies in the OAS Member States. At the same time seeks to highlight the value of the creative industries contribution in the economies of the region and highlight the activities carried out by the Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC). The first portfolio edition, published in 2011 in print and digital versions includes 18 successful practices in OAS Member States . The second edition includes new practices that respond to the priorities identified by the Ministers of Culture and the CIC.

* Technical cooperation missions among OAS member States
to strengthen the work of government agencies on issues of culture. Among the topics of work can be identified: creative and cultural enterprises; creation and / or strengthening of cultural information systems; strategic planning in public institutions, preservation and enhancement of intangible and linguistic heritage; incorporating culture in various topics such as youth, environment, tourism, education and finance.

* "The Economic Impact of the Creative Industries in the Americas"
This project includes the a study on measuring the contribution of the creative economies of the OAS member states industries. This study was commissioned by Oxford Economics, the Organization of American States, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the British Council.

This project arises from the dialogue between ministers and the approval the Fifth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Culture Communique, which included the active participation of 22 OAS member states and their institutional counterparts in the countries. The project has the financial support of the Permanent Mission of the United States to the OAS and the Permanent Mission of the Republic of China to the OAS.