Persons with Disabilities


returnThird Meeting of the CEDDIS (April 2010)










Revision of CEDDIS Rules of Procedure*


Declaration of Interdiction* - reference document prepared by the Department of Special Legal Programs


Project of Parameters to establish starting points, set goals and measure progress by States in fulfilling the Inter-American Convention* - prepared by the Working Group established during the CEDDIS Meeting in Brasilia, 2008, by representatives of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama and Venezuela, CEDDIS/doc.41/08, July 29, 2008..


Reciprocity relations between the Inter-American Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities and the Program of Action for the Decade of the Americas for the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities* - prepared by the Technical Secretariat of the Committee CEDDIS/doc.17/rev.1, March 16, 2010.


* document available only in Spanish